Assessment of aeroacoustic optimisation schemes for a tilt-propeller application in hover and cruise

  • Balancing propeller optimisation between cruise and hover conditions is a key challenge in eco-friendly aircraft design. This paper presents a novel multidisciplinary propeller optimisation approach, integrating blade element momentum theory and acoustic models. Three propeller design strategies are systematically evaluated in multidisciplinary propeller optimisation, considering aerodynamic efficiency and noise emissions. The design strategies and the optimisation scheme are assessed within the paper. A serial optimisation scheme improves the overall optimisation result and reduces the optimisation time significantly. In the serial approach, the design space is reduced stepwise. In the initial step, linear chord and parabolic twist distributions are sufficient for defining global propeller parameters like blade number and diameter. In contrast, detailed blade shape optimisation requires a parametric blade description. The findings are utilized to develop a novel optimisation scheme, reducing computational effort and enabling innovative air mobility solutions to be designed.

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Author:Ole BergmannORCiD, Felix MöhrenORCiD, David Aljoscha Frey, Frank Janser, Carsten BraunORCiD
Parent Title (English):49th European Rotorcraft Forum 2023 - Proceedings
Place of publication:Bonn
Document Type:Conference Proceeding
Year of Completion:2023
Length:11 Seiten
49th European Rotorcraft Forum 2023, Bückeburg, 2023
Institutes:FH Aachen / ECSM European Center for Sustainable Mobility
FH Aachen / Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik
collections:Verlag / DGLR
Licence (German): Urheberrechtlich geschützt