Feasibility of acoustically triggered cine imaging for global cardiac function assessment using an MR-stethoscope

  • As high-field cardiac MRI becomes more widespread the propensity of ECG recordings to interference from electromagnetic fields increases and with it the motivation for a practical gating/triggering alternative. This study explores the feasibility, efficacy and reliability of acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) for 2D CINE SSFP imaging at 1.5 T and 3.0 T including left ventricular function and endocardial border sharpness assessment. The MR stethoscopes intrinsic insensitivity to interference with electro-magnetic fields and hydro-dynamic effects renders it suitable for assessment of global cardiac function due to its excellent trigger reliability even at high magnetic field strengths.

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Author:Tobias Frauenrath, Fabian Hezel, Jane Francis Utting, Gabriele A. Krombach, Thoralf Niendorf
Parent Title (English):2009 ISMRM Scientific Meeting & Exhibition
Document Type:Conference: Meeting Abstract
Year of Completion:2009
Article Number:3935
ISMRM 17th Scientific Meeting & Exhibition 18-24 April 2009, Honululu, Hawai'i, USA
Institutes:FH Aachen / Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik