Obstacle encounter probability dependent local path planner for UAV operation in urban environments

  • Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are well-suited for various short-distance missions in urban environments. However, the path planner of such UAV is constantly challenged with the choice between avoiding obstacles horizontally or vertically. If the path planner relies on sensor information only, i.e. the path planner is a local planner, usually predefined manoeuvres or preferences are used to find a possible way. However, this method is stiff and inflexible. This work proposes a probabilistic decision-maker to set the control parameters of a classic local path planner during a flight mission. The decision-maker defines whether performing horizontal or vertical avoidance is preferable based on the probability of encountering a given number of obstacles. Here, the decision-maker considers predictions of possible future avoidance manoeuvres. It also defines an ideal flight altitude based on the probability of encountering obstacles. This work analyses the building height of all European capital cities and the probability of encountering obstacles at different altitudes to feed the decision-maker. We tested the feasibility of the proposed decision-maker with the 3DVFH*, a commonly used local path planner, in multiple simulations. The proposed probabilistic decision-maker allows the local path planner to reach the goal point significantly more often than the standard version of the 3DVFH*.

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Author:Andreas Thoma, Alessandro Gardi, Alex Fisher, Carsten BraunORCiD
ISSN:1869-5590 (eISSN)
Parent Title (English):CEAS Aeronautical Journal
Publisher:Springer Nature
Place of publication:Wien ; Heidelberg
Document Type:Article
Year of Completion:2024
Date of first Publication:2024/06/13
Tag:Local path planning; Probabilistic systems; Unmanned aerial vehicle; Urban air mobility
First Page:867
Last Page:879
Corresponding author: Andreas Thoma
Peer Review:Ja
Institutes:FH Aachen / ECSM European Center for Sustainable Mobility
FH Aachen / Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik
open_access (DINI-Set):open_access
collections:Verlag / Springer Nature
Open Access / Hybrid
Geförderte OA-Publikationen / DEAL Springer
Licence (German): Creative Commons - Namensnennung