A system for parallel measurement of glottis opening and larynx position

  • The simultaneous assessment of the status of the glottis opening and the position of the larynx can be beneficial for the diagnosis of disorders of voice production and swallowing. The method presented here makes use of a time-multiplex algorithm for the measurement of space-resolved transfer impedances through the larynx. The fast sequence of measurements allows a quasi simultaneous assessment of both larynx position and EGG signal in 32 channels. First results indicate a high potential of the method for use as a non-invasive tool in the diagnosis of voice dysfunction, ventricular fold phonation and swallowing disorders.

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Author:Malte Kob, Tobias Frauenrath
Publisher:Firenze University Press
Place of publication:Firenze
Document Type:Conference Proceedings
Year of Completion:2007
Fifth International Workshop on Models and Analysis of Vocal Emissions for Biomedical Applications, MAVEBA 2007, Florence, Italy, December 13-15, 2007
Institutes:FH Aachen / Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
open_access (DINI-Set):open_access
Licence (German): Creative Commons - Namensnennung