Year of publication
- 2021 (293) (remove)
- Fachbereich Gestaltung (94)
- Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik (56)
- IfB - Institut für Bioengineering (36)
- Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (27)
- Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (24)
- Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (24)
- Fachbereich Energietechnik (23)
- Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen (15)
- INB - Institut für Nano- und Biotechnologien (15)
- Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie (12)
Document Type
- Article (109)
- Bachelor Thesis (89)
- Conference Proceeding (52)
- Part of a Book (17)
- Book (9)
- Master's Thesis (4)
- Report (4)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Review (2)
- Conference: Meeting Abstract (1)
- Corporate Design (6)
- Animation (5)
- Fotografie (4)
- Illustration (4)
- Nachhaltigkeit (4)
- UX Design (4)
- App (3)
- Botanik (3)
- Dokumentation (3)
- Gamification (3)
- weltweit (119)
- campus (67)
- bezahl (34)
- fachbereichsweit (FB4) (1)
Phase change materials offer a way of storing excess heat and releasing it when it is needed. They can be utilized as a method to control thermal behavior without the need for additional energy. This work focuses on exploring the potential of using phase change materials to passively control the thermal behavior of a star tracker by infusing it with a fitting phase change material. Based on the numerical model of the star trackers thermal behavior using ESATAN-TMS without implemented phase change material, a fitting phase change material for selected orbits is chosen and implemented in the thermal model. The altered thermal behavior of the numerical model after the implementation is analyzed for different amounts of the chosen phase change materials using an ESATAN-based subroutine developed by the FH Aachen. The PCM-modelling-subroutine is explained in the paper ICES-2021-110. The results show that an increasing amount of phase change material increasingly damps temperature oscillations. Using an integral part structure some of the mass increase can be compensated.
Infused Thermal Solutions (ITS) introduces a method for passive thermal control to stabilize structural components thermally without active heating and cooling systems, but with phase change material (PCM) for thermal energy storage (TES), in combination with lattice - both embedded in additive manufactured functional structures. In this ITS follow-on paper a thermal model approach and associated predictions are presented, related on the ITS functional breadboards developed at FH Aachen. Predictive TES by PCM is provided by a specially developed ITS PCM subroutine, which is applicable in ESATAN. The subroutine is based on the latent heat storage (LHS) method to numerically embed thermo-physical PCM behavior. Furthermore, a modeling approach is introduced to numerically consider the virtual PCM/lattice nodes within the macro-encapsulated PCM voids of the double wall ITS design. Related on these virtual nodes, in-plane and out-of-plane conductive links are defined. The recent additive manufactured ITS breadboard series are thermally cycled in the thermal vacuum chamber, both with and without embedded PCM. Related on breadboard hardware tests, measurement results are compared with predictions and are subsequently correlated. The results of specific simulations and measurements are presented. Recent predictive results of star tracker analyses are also presented in ICES-2021-106, based on this ITS PCM subroutine.
This paper discusses a new way of inflight power regeneration for electric or hybrid-electric driven general aviation aircraft with one powertrain for both configurations. Three different approaches for the shift from propulsion to regeneration mode are analyzed. Numerical cal-culation and wind tunnel results are compared and show the highest regeneration potential for the "Windmill" approach, where the propeller blades are flipped, and rotation is reversed. A combination of all regeneration approaches for a realistic flight mission is discussed.
The low-pressure system Bernd involved extreme rainfalls in the Western part of Germany in July 2021,
resulting in major floods, severe damages and a tremendous number of casualties. Such extreme events
are rare and full flood protection can never be ensured with reasonable financial means. But still, this
event must be starting point to reconsider current design concepts. This article aims at sharing some
thoughts on potential hazards, the selection of return periods and remaining risk with the focus on Germany.
The hot spots conjecture is only known to be true for special geometries. This paper shows numerically that the hot spots conjecture can fail to be true for easy to construct bounded domains with one hole. The underlying eigenvalue problem for the Laplace equation with Neumann boundary condition is solved with boundary integral equations yielding a non-linear eigenvalue problem. Its discretization via the boundary element collocation method in combination with the algorithm by Beyn yields highly accurate results both for the first non-zero eigenvalue and its corresponding eigenfunction which is due to superconvergence. Additionally, it can be shown numerically that the ratio between the maximal/minimal value inside the domain and its maximal/minimal value on the boundary can be larger than 1 + 10− 3. Finally, numerical examples for easy to construct domains with up to five holes are provided which fail the hot spots conjecture as well.
The aim of the current study was to investigate the performance of integrated RF
transmit arrays with high channel count consisting of meander microstrip antennas
for body imaging at 7 T and to optimize the position and number of transmit ele-
ments. RF simulations using multiring antenna arrays placed behind the bore liner
were performed for realistic exposure conditions for body imaging. Simulations were
performed for arrays with as few as eight elements and for arrays with high channel
counts of up to 48 elements. The B1+ field was evaluated regarding the degrees of
freedom for RF shimming in the abdomen. Worst-case specific absorption rate
(SARwc ), SAR overestimation in the matrix compression, the number of virtual obser-
vation points (VOPs) and SAR efficiency were evaluated. Constrained RF shimming
was performed in differently oriented regions of interest in the body, and the devia-
tion from a target B1+ field was evaluated. Results show that integrated multiring
arrays are able to generate homogeneous B1+ field distributions for large FOVs, espe-
cially for coronal/sagittal slices, and thus enable body imaging at 7 T with a clinical
workflow; however, a low duty cycle or a high SAR is required to achieve homoge-
neous B1+ distributions and to exploit the full potential. In conclusion, integrated
arrays allow for high element counts that have high degrees of freedom for the pulse
optimization but also produce high SARwc , which reduces the SAR accuracy in the
VOP compression for low-SAR protocols, leading to a potential reduction in array
performance. Smaller SAR overestimations can increase SAR accuracy, but lead to a
high number of VOPs, which increases the computational cost for VOP evaluation
and makes online SAR monitoring or pulse optimization challenging. Arrays with
interleaved rings showed the best results in the study.
The following article deals with the basic principles of intercultural management and possible improvements in terms of cultural, ethnic and gender diversification. The results are exemplarily applied to a bank located in Germany. The aim of this paper is to find out to what extent intercultural management could improve the productivity of Relatos-Bank in dealing with foreign employees or employees with a different cultural background. To achieve this goal, the authors con-duct a literature research. The main sources of information are books, journal articles and internet sources. It becomes clear that especially the different perceptions of different generations have a potential for conflict, which can be counteracted by applying presented scientific models. Equalizing the salaries of female and male employees and equalizing the rights and distribution of power could also be the key to becoming an open-minded, dynamic and fair organization that is pre-pared for the rapidly changing environment in which it operates.
The presented paper gives an overview of the most important and most common theories and concepts from the economic field of organisational change and is also enriched with quantitative publication data, which underlines the relevance of the topic. In particular, the topic presented is interwoven in an interdisciplinary way with economic psychological models, which are underpinned within the models with content from leading scholars in the field. The pace of change in companies is accelerating, as is technological change in our society. Adaptations of the corporate structure, but also of management techniques and tasks, are therefore indispensable. This includes not only the right approaches to employee motivation, but also the correct use of intrinsic and extrinsic motivational factors. Based on the hypothesis put forward by the scientist and researcher Rollinson in his book “Organisational behaviour and analysis” that managers believe motivational resources are available at all times, socio-economic and economic psychological theories are contrasted here in order to critically examine this statement. In addition, a fictitious company was created as a model for this work in order to illustrate the effects of motivational deficits in practice. In this context, the theories presented are applied to concrete problems within the model and conclusions are drawn about their influence and applicability. This led to the conclusion that motivation is a very individual challenge for each employee, which requires adapted and personalised approaches. On the other hand, the recommendations for action for supervisors in the case of motivation deficits also cannot be answered in a blanket manner, but can only be solved with the help of professional, expert-supported processing due to the economic-psychological realities of motivation. Identifying, analysing and remedying individual employee motivation deficits is, according to the authors, a problem and a challenge of great importance, especially in the context of rapidly changing ecosystems in modern companies, as motivation also influences other factors such as individual productivity. The authors therefore conclude that good motivation through the individual and customised promotion and further training of employees is an important point for achieving important corporate goals in order to remain competitive on the one hand and to create a productive and pleasant working environment on the other.
The minimum dissipation requirement of the thermodynamics of irreversible processes is applied to characterize the existence of laminar and non-laminar, and the co-existence of laminar and turbulent flow zones. Local limitations of the different zones and three different forms of transition are defined. For the Couette flow a non-local “corpuscular” flow mechanism explains the logarithmic law-of-the-wall, maximum turbulent dimensions and a value x=0,415 for the v. Kármán constant. Limitations of the logarithmic law near the wall and in the centre of the experiment are interpreted.
Development of open educational resources for renewable energy and the energy transition process
The dissemination of knowledge about renewable energies is understood as a social task with the highest topicality. The transfer of teaching content on renewable energies into digital open educational resources offers the opportunity to significantly accelerate the implementation of the energy transition. Thus, in the here presented project six German universities create open educational resources for the energy transition. These materials are available to the public on the internet under a free license. So far there has been no publicly accessible, editable media that cover entire learning units about renewable energies extensively and in high technical quality. Thus, in this project, the content that remains up-to-date for a longer period is appropriately prepared in terms of media didactics. The materials enable lecturers to provide students with in-depth training about technologies for the energy transition. In a particular way, the created material is also suitable for making the general public knowledgeable about the energy transition with scientifically based material.
Ziel der Arbeit war es eine spielerische Lernanwendung für Studierende der FH-Aachen zu entwickeln, um das individuelle Lernen zu fördern. Dabei lag der Fokus auf der Konzeptentwicklung eines Serious Games für die Fachhochschule Aachen. Abgeleitet von Motivationstheorien, Game Design Frameworks und Eigenschaften von digitalen spielerischen Konzepten wurde ein Vorgehensmodell zur Konzeptentwicklung eines Serious Games erstellt. Wichtige Punkte für die Anwendung waren eine intensive Austauschmöglichkeiten für Studierende und das Integrieren dieser in die Lehrveranstaltungen der FH-Aachen. In der abschließenden Evaluation wurde positives Feedback der Studierenden eingeholt und damit das Ziel der Arbeit erreicht.
Zusätzlich wurde für das erarbeitete Konzept die Wirtschaftlichkeit überprüft. Dafür wurde während der Bearbeitungszeit mit einem aufgestellten Team ein Business Plan für das Förderprogramm Start-Up transfer.NRW entwickelt.
Wohnen als neue soziale Frage ist mehr als die Produktion neuer Formen von Wohnen und deren architektonischer Gestalt, und auch mehr als nur die Umsetzung sich verändernder, jedoch individuell formulierter Wohnwünsche. Sie spannt sich auf zwischen gesellschafts- und nachhaltigkeitspolitischen, hardcore-kapitalistischen und globalen Rahmenbedingungen, Hardware und Software, Individuum und Gemeinwohl, Konsum und Mitgestaltung. Entscheidend sind die Akteure und die Art und Weise, wie und nach welchen Maßstäben sie handeln. Entscheidend ist aber auch, Wohnen sowohl kontextuell wie auch programmatisch neu zu denken und dadurch zu neuen Mischungen, Nachbarschaften und Bewertungskriterien einer Projekt- und Stadtentwicklung zu kommen, die mehr als die Summe seiner Einzelteile wollen – ein gutes Leben für Alle abseits der Frage des Geldbeutels und der sozialen Zugehörigkeit.
Motile cilia are hair-like cell extensions present in multiple organs of the body. How cilia coordinate their regular beat in multiciliated epithelia to move fluids remains insufficiently understood, particularly due to lack of rigorous quantification. We combine here experiments, novel analysis tools, and theory to address this knowledge gap. We investigate collective dynamics of cilia in the zebrafish nose, due to its conserved properties with other ciliated tissues and its superior accessibility for non-invasive imaging. We revealed that cilia are synchronized only locally and that the size of local synchronization domains increases with the viscosity of the surrounding medium. Despite the fact that synchronization is local only, we observed global patterns of traveling metachronal waves across the multiciliated epithelium. Intriguingly, these global wave direction patterns are conserved across individual fish, but different for left and right nose, unveiling a chiral asymmetry of metachronal coordination. To understand the implications of synchronization for fluid pumping, we used a computational model of a regular array of cilia. We found that local metachronal synchronization prevents steric collisions and improves fluid pumping in dense cilia carpets, but hardly affects the direction of fluid flow. In conclusion, we show that local synchronization together with tissue-scale cilia alignment are sufficient to generate metachronal wave patterns in multiciliated epithelia, which enhance their physiological function of fluid pumping.
Achilles tendon rupture (ATR) patients have persistent functional deficits in the triceps surae muscle–tendon unit (MTU). The complex remodeling of the MTU accompanying these deficits remains poorly understood. The purpose of the present study was to associate in vivo and in silico data to investigate the relations between changes inMTU properties and strength deficits inATR patients. Methods: Elevenmale subjects who had undergone surgical repair of complete unilateral ATR were examined 4.6 ± 2.0 (mean ± SD) yr after rupture. Gastrocnemius medialis (GM) tendon stiffness, morphology, and muscle architecture were determined using ultrasonography. The force–length relation of the plantar flexor muscles was assessed at five ankle joint angles. In addition, simulations (OpenSim) of the GM MTU force–length properties were performed with various iterations of MTU properties found between the unaffected and the affected side. Results: The affected side of the patients displayed a longer, larger, and stiffer GM tendon (13% ± 10%, 105% ± 28%, and 54% ± 24%, respectively) compared with the unaffected side. The GM muscle fascicles of the affected side were shorter (32% ± 12%) and with greater pennation angles (31% ± 26%). A mean deficit in plantarflexion moment of 31% ± 10% was measured. Simulations indicate that pairing an intact muscle with a longer tendon shifts the optimal angular range of peak force outside physiological angular ranges, whereas the shorter muscle fascicles and tendon stiffening seen in the affected side decrease this shift, albeit incompletely. Conclusions: These results suggest that the substantial changes in MTU properties found in ATR patients may partly result from compensatory remodeling, although this process appears insufficient to fully restore muscle function.
Performing tasks, such as running and jumping, requires activation of the agonist and antagonist muscles before (motor unit pre-activation) and during movement performance (Santello and Mcdonagh, 1998). A well-timed and regulated muscle activation elicits a stretch-shortening cycle (SSC) response, naturally occurring in bouncing movements (Ishikawa and Komi, 2004; Taube et al., 2012). By definition, the SSC describes the stretching of a pre-activated muscle-tendon complex immediately followed by a muscle shortening in the concentric push-off phase (Komi, 1984).
Given the importance of SSC actions for human movement, it is not surprising that many studies investigated the biomechanics of this phenomenon; in particular, drop jumps (DJs) represent a good paradigm to study muscle fascicle and tendon behavior in ballistic movements involving the SSC.
Within a DJ, three main phases [pre-activation, braking, and push-off (PO; Komi, 2000)] have been recognized and extensively studied in common and challenging conditions, such as changes in load, falling height, or simulated hypo-gravity (Avela et al., 1994; Arampatzis et al., 2001; Fukashiro et al., 2005; Ishikawa et al., 2005; Sousa et al., 2007; Ritzmann et al., 2016; Helm et al., 2020).
These studies show that the timing and amount of triceps-surae muscle-tendon unit pre-activation in DJs are differentially regulated based on the load applied to the muscle, being optimal in normal “Earth” gravity conditions (Avela et al., 1994), but decreased in simulated hypo-gravity, hyper-gravity (Avela et al., 1994; Ritzmann et al., 2016), or unknown conditions (i.e., unknown falling heights; Helm et al., 2020). Some authors indicated that, when falling from heights different from the optimal one [defined as the drop height giving a maximum DJ performance indicated as peak ground reaction force (GRF) or jump high], electromyographic (EMG) activity of the plantar flexors increases from lower than optimal to higher than optimal heights (Ishikawa and Komi, 2004; Sousa et al., 2007).
These findings highlight the ability of the central nervous system to regulate the timing and amount of pre-activation according to different jumping conditions, thus regulating muscle fascicle length, tendon and joint stiffness as well as position, in order to safely land on the ground and quickly re-bounce.
Similarly, to pre-activation, also in the braking phase, the plantar flexors are differentially regulated. In optimal height (i.e., load) jumping conditions, gastrocnemius medialis (GM) fascicles shorten at early ground contact (possibly due to the intervention of the stretch reflex; Gollhofer et al., 1992) and behave quasi-isometrically in the late braking phase, enabling tendon elongation, and storage of elastic energy (Gollhofer et al., 1992; Fukashiro et al., 2005; Sousa et al., 2007). When increasing the falling height (augmenting the impact GRF), the quasi-isometric behavior of fascicles disappears, and fast fascicle lengthening occurs (Ishikawa et al., 2005; Sousa et al., 2007).
In the third and last PO phase, fascicles shorten and the tendon releases the elastic energy previously stored. Bobbert et al. (1987) reported no influence of jumping height on the work done and on the net vertical impulse assessed during PO; this observation suggests that, despite an optimal DJ performance might be achieved only in specific conditions (falling heights, loads), the central nervous system seems to be able to regulate muscle behavior in order to effectively perform the required task also in challenging situations.
Although the regulation of triceps-surae muscle-tendon unit in DJs has been extensively investigated, very few studies focused on sarcomeres behavior during the performance of this SSC movement (Kurokawa et al., 2003; Fukashiro et al., 2005, 2006). Sarcomeres represent muscle contractile units and are known to express different amounts of force depending on their length (Gordon et al., 1966; Walker and Schrodt, 1974); thus, understanding the time course of their responses during DJs is fundamental to gain further insights into muscle force-generating capacity. In vivo measurement of sarcomere length in humans has been so far been performed only in static positions and under highly controlled experimental conditions (Llewellyn et al., 2008; Sanchez et al., 2015). Instead, human sarcomere length estimation (achieved by dividing GM measured fascicle length for a fixed sarcomere number) in dynamic contractions provided an indirect measure of sarcomere operating range during squat jump, countermovement jump, and DJ (Fukashiro et al., 2005, 2006; Kurokawa et al., 2003). The results of these studies showed that sarcomeres operate in the ascending limb of their length-tension (L-T) relationship in all types of jumps, and particularly so in DJ.
However, most of the available observations on sarcomere and muscle fascicle behavior were made in condition of constant gravity. Thus, in order to understand how sarcomere and muscle fascicle length are regulated in variable gravity conditions, we performed experiments in a parabolic flight, involving variable gravity levels, ranging from about zero-g to about double the Earth’s gravity (1 g; Waldvogel et al., 2021).
Specifically, the aims of the present study were as follows:
1. To investigate the ability of the neuromuscular system in regulating fascicle length in response to conditions of variable gravity.
2. To estimate sarcomere operative length in the different DJ phases, in order to calculate its theoretical force production and its possible modulation in conditions of variable gravity.
We hypothesized that muscle fascicles would be differentially regulated in different gravity conditions compared to 1 g, particularly in anticipation of landing and re-bouncing in unknown gravity levels. In addition, we hypothesized that sarcomeres would operate in the upper part of the ascending limb of their L-T relationship, possibly lengthening during the braking phase (especially in hyper-gravity) while operating quasi-isometrically in 1 g.
The compliant nature of distal limb muscle-tendon units is traditionally considered suboptimal in explosive movements when positive joint work is required. However, during accelerative running, ankle joint net mechanical work is positive. Therefore, this study aims to investigate how plantar flexor muscle-tendon behavior is modulated during fast accelerations. Eleven female sprinters performed maximum sprint accelerations from starting blocks, while gastrocnemius muscle fascicle lengths were estimated using ultrasonography. We combined motion analysis and ground reaction force measurements to assess lower limb joint kinematics and kinetics, and to estimate gastrocnemius muscle-tendon unit length during the first two acceleration steps. Outcome variables were resampled to the stance phase and averaged across three to five trials. Relevant scalars were extracted and analyzed using one-sample and two-sample t-tests, and vector trajectories were compared using statistical parametric mapping. We found that an uncoupling of muscle fascicle behavior from muscle-tendon unit behavior is effectively used to produce net positive mechanical work at the joint during maximum sprint acceleration. Muscle fascicles shortened throughout the first and second steps, while shortening occurred earlier during the first step, where negative joint work was lower compared with the second step. Elastic strain energy may be stored during dorsiflexion after touchdown since fascicles did not lengthen at the same time to dissipate energy. Thus, net positive work generation is accommodated by the reuse of elastic strain energy along with positive gastrocnemius fascicle work. Our results show a mechanism of how muscles with high in-series compliance can contribute to net positive joint work.
The international partnership of space agencies has agreed to proceed forward to the Moon sustainably. Activities on the Lunar surface (0.16 g) will allow crewmembers to advance the exploration skills needed when expanding human presence to Mars (0.38 g). Whilst data from actual hypogravity activities are limited to the Apollo missions, simulation studies have indicated that ground reaction forces, mechanical work, muscle activation, and joint angles decrease with declining gravity level. However, these alterations in locomotion biomechanics do not necessarily scale to the gravity level, the reduction in gastrocnemius medialis activation even appears to level off around 0.2 g, while muscle activation pattern remains similar. Thus, it is difficult to predict whether gastrocnemius medialis contractile behavior during running on Moon will basically be the same as on Mars. Therefore, this study investigated lower limb joint kinematics and gastrocnemius medialis behavior during running at 1 g, simulated Martian gravity, and simulated Lunar gravity on the vertical treadmill facility. The results indicate that hypogravity-induced alterations in joint kinematics and contractile behavior still persist between simulated running on the Moon and Mars. This contrasts with the concept of a ceiling effect and should be carefully considered when evaluating exercise prescriptions and the transferability of locomotion practiced in Lunar gravity to Martian gravity.
Rehabilitative body weight supported gait training aims at restoring walking function as a key element in activities of daily living. Studies demonstrated reductions in muscle and joint forces, while kinematic gait patterns appear to be preserved with up to 30% weight support. However, the influence of body weight support on muscle architecture, with respect to fascicle and series elastic element behavior is unknown, despite this having potential clinical implications for gait retraining. Eight males (31.9 ± 4.7 years) walked at 75% of the speed at which they typically transition to running, with 0% and 30% body weight support on a lower-body positive pressure treadmill. Gastrocnemius medialis fascicle lengths and pennation angles were measured via ultrasonography. Additionally, joint kinematics were analyzed to determine gastrocnemius medialis muscle–tendon unit lengths, consisting of the muscle's contractile and series elastic elements. Series elastic element length was assessed using a muscle–tendon unit model. Depending on whether data were normally distributed, a paired t-test or Wilcoxon signed rank test was performed to determine if body weight supported walking had any effects on joint kinematics and fascicle–series elastic element behavior. Walking with 30% body weight support had no statistically significant effect on joint kinematics and peak series elastic element length. Furthermore, at the time when peak series elastic element length was achieved, and on average across the entire stance phase, muscle–tendon unit length, fascicle length, pennation angle, and fascicle velocity were unchanged with respect to body weight support. In accordance with unchanged gait kinematics, preservation of fascicle–series elastic element behavior was observed during walking with 30% body weight support, which suggests transferability of gait patterns to subsequent unsupported walking.
The worldwide Corona pandemic has severely restricted student projects in the higher semesters of engineering courses. In order not to delay the graduation, a new concept had to be developed for projects under lockdown conditions. Therefore, unused rooms at the university should be digitally recorded in order to develop a new usage concept as laboratory rooms. An inventory of the actual state of the rooms was done first by taking photos and listing up all flaws and peculiarities. After that, a digital site measuring was done with a 360° laser scanner and these recorded scans were linked to a coherent point cloud and transferred to a software for planning technical building services and supporting Building Information Modelling (BIM). In order to better illustrate the difference between the actual and target state, two virtual reality models were created for realistic demonstration. During the project, the students had to go through the entire digital planning phases. Technical specifications had to be complied with, as well as documentation, time planning and cost estimate. This project turned out to be an excellent alternative to on-site practical training under lockdown conditions and increased the students’ motivation to deal with complex technical questions.
In the context of the Corona pandemic and its impact on teaching like digital lectures and exercises a new concept especially for freshmen in demanding courses of Smart Building Engineering became necessary. As there were hardly any face-to-face events at the university, the new teaching concept should enable a good start into engineering studies under pandemic conditions anyway and should also replace the written exam at the end. The students should become active themselves in small teams instead of listening passively to a lecture broadcast online with almost no personal contact. For this purpose, a role play was developed in which the freshmen had to work out a complete solution to the realistic problem of designing, construction planning and implementing a small guesthouse. Each student of the team had to take a certain role like architect, site manager, BIM-manager, electrician and the technitian for HVAC installations. Technical specifications must be complied with, as well as documentation, time planning and cost estimate. The final project folder had to contain technical documents like circuit diagrams for electrical components, circuit diagrams for water and heating, design calculations and components lists. On the other hand construction schedule, construction implementation plan, documentation of the construction progress and minutes of meetings between the various trades had to be submitted as well. In addition to the project folder, a model of the construction project must also be created either as a handmade model or as a digital 3D-model using Computer-aided design (CAD) software. The first steps in the field of Building information modelling (BIM) had also been taken by creating a digital model of the building showing the current planning status in real time as a digital twin. This project turned out to be an excellent training of important student competencies like teamwork, communication skills, and self -organisation and also increased motivation to work on complex technical questions. The aim of giving the student a first impression on the challenges and solutions in building projects with many different technical trades and their points of view was very well achieved and should be continued in the future.
Industrie 4.0 stellt viele Herausforderungen an produzierende Unternehmen und ihre Beschäf-tigten. Innovative und effektive Trainingsstrategien sind erforderlich, um mit den sich schnell verändernden Produktionsumgebungen und neuen Fertigungstechnologien Schritt halten zu können. Virtual Reality (VR) bietet neue Möglichkeiten für On-the-Job, On-Demand- und Off-Premise-Schulungen. Diese Arbeit stellt ein neues VR Schulungssystem vor, welches sich flexible an unterschiedliche Trainingsobjekte auf Grundlage von Rezepten und CAD Modellen anpassen lässt. Das Konzept basiert auf gerichteten azyklischen Graphen und einem Level-system. Es ermöglicht eine benutzerindividuelle Lerngeschwindigkeit mittels visueller Ele-mente. Das Konzept wurde für einen mechanischen Anwendungsfall mit Industriekomponen-ten implementiert und in der Industrie 4.0-Modellfabrik der FH Aachen umgesetzt.
Even though BIM (Building Information Modelling) is successfully implemented in most of the world, it is still in the early stages in Germany, since the stakeholders are sceptical of its reliability and efficiency. The purpose of this paper is to analyse the opportunities and obstacles to implementing BIM for prefabrication. Among all other advantages of BIM, prefabrication is chosen for this paper because it plays a vital role in creating an impact on the time and cost factors of a construction project. The project stakeholders and participants can explicitly observe the positive impact of prefabrication, which enables the breakthrough of the scepticism factor among the small-scale construction companies. The analysis consists of the development of a process workflow for implementing prefabrication in building construction followed by a practical approach, which was executed with two case studies. It was planned in such a way that, the first case study gives a first-hand experience for the workers at the site on the BIM model so that they can make much use of the created BIM model, which is a better representation compared to the traditional 2D plan. The main aim of the first case study is to create a belief in the implementation of BIM Models, which was succeeded by the execution of offshore prefabrication in the second case study. Based on the case studies, the time analysis was made and it is inferred that the implementation of BIM for prefabrication can reduce construction time, ensures minimal wastes, better accuracy, less problem-solving at the construction site. It was observed that this process requires more planning time, better communication between different disciplines, which was the major obstacle for successful implementation. This paper was carried out from the perspective of small and medium-sized mechanical contracting companies for the private building sector in Germany.
Urban farming is an innovative and sustainable way of food production and is becoming more and more important in smart city and quarter concepts. It also enables the production of certain foods in places where they usually dare not produced, such as production of fish or shrimps in large cities far away from the coast. Unfortunately, it is not always possible to show students such concepts and systems in real life as part of courses: visits of such industry plants are sometimes not possible because of distance or are permitted by the operator for hygienic reasons. In order to give the students the opportunity of getting into contact with such an urban farming system and its complex operation, an industrial urban farming plant was set up on a significantly smaller scale. Therefore, all needed technical components like water aeriation, biological and mechanical filtration or water circulation have been replaced either by aquarium components or by self-designed parts also using a 3D-printer. Students from different courses like mechanical engineering, smart building engineering, biology, electrical engineering, automation technology and civil engineering were involved in this project. This “miniature industrial plant” was also able to start operation and has now been running for two years successfully. Due to Corona pandemic, home office and remote online lectures, the automation of this miniature plant should be brought to a higher level in future for providing a good control over the system and water quality remotely. The aim of giving the student a chance to get to know the operation of an urban farming plant was very well achieved and the students had lots of fun in “playing” and learning with it in a realistic way.
In addition to electromobility and alternative drive systems, a focus is set on electrically driven compressors (EDC), with a high potential for increasing the efficiency of internal combustion engines (ICE) and fuel cells [01]. The primary objective is to increase the ICE torque, provided independently of the ICE speed by compressing the intake air and consequently the ICE filling level supported by the compressor. For operation independent from the ICE speed, the EDC compressor is decoupled from the turbine by using an electric compressor motor (CM) instead of the turbine. ICE performances can be increased by the use of EDC where individual compressor parameters are adapted to the respective application area [02] [03]. This task contains great challenges, increased by demands with regard to pollutant reduction while maintaining constant performance and reduced fuel consumption. The FH-Aachen is equipped with an EDC test bench which enables EDC-investigations in various configurations and operating modes. Characteristic properties of different compressors can be determined, which build the basis for a comparison methodology. Subject of this project is the development of a comparison methodology for EDC with an associated evaluation method and a defined overall evaluation method. For the application of this comparison methodology, corresponding series of measurements are carried out on the EDC test bench using an appropriate test device.
In this paper we report on CO2 Meter, a do-it-yourself carbon dioxide measuring device for the classroom. Part of the current measures for dealing with the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is proper ventilation in indoor settings. This is especially important in schools with students coming back to the classroom even with high incidents rates. Static ventilation patterns do not consider the individual situation for a particular class. Influencing factors like the type of activity, the physical structure or the room occupancy are not incorporated. Also, existing devices are rather expensive and often provide only limited information and only locally without any networking. This leaves the potential of analysing the situation across different settings untapped. Carbon dioxide level can be used as an indicator of air quality, in general, and of aerosol load in particular. Since, according to the latest findings, SARS-CoV-2 can be transmitted primarily in the form of aerosols, carbon dioxide may be used as a proxy for the risk of a virus infection. Hence, schools could improve the indoor air quality and potentially reduce the infection risk if they actually had measuring devices available in the classroom. Our device supports schools in ventilation and it allows for collecting data over the Internet to enable a detailed data analysis and model generation. First deployments in schools at different levels were received very positively. A pilot installation with a larger data collection and analysis is underway.
Past earthquakes demonstrated the high vulnerability of industrial facilities equipped with complex process technologies leading to serious damage of the process equipment and multiple and simultaneous release of hazardous substances in industrial facilities. Nevertheless, the design of industrial plants is inadequately described in recent codes and guidelines, as they do not consider the dynamic interaction between the structure and the installations and thus the effect of seismic response of the installations on the response of the structure and vice versa. The current code-based approach for the seismic design of industrial facilities is considered not enough for ensure proper safety conditions against exceptional event entailing loss of content and related consequences. Accordingly, SPIF project (Seismic Performance of Multi- Component Systems in Special Risk Industrial Facilities) was proposed within the framework of the European H2020 - SERA funding scheme (Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe). The objective of the SPIF project is the investigation of the seismic behavior of a representative industrial structure equipped with complex process technology by means of shaking table tests. The test structure is a three-story moment resisting steel frame with vertical and horizontal vessels and cabinets, arranged on the three levels and connected by pipes. The dynamic behavior of the test structure and installations is investigated with and without base isolation. Furthermore, both firmly anchored and isolated components are taken into account to compare their dynamic behavior and interactions with each other. Artificial and synthetic ground motions are applied to study the seismic response at different PGA levels. After each test, dynamic identification measurements are carried out to characterize the system condition. The contribution presents the numerical simulations to calibrate the tests on the prototype, the experimental setup of the investigated structure and installations, selected measurement data and finally describes preliminary experimental results.
The feasibility of light-addressed detection and manipulation of pH gradients inside an electrochemical microfluidic cell was studied. Local pH changes, induced by a light-addressable electrode (LAE), were detected using a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) with different measurement modes representing an actuator-sensor system. Biosensor functionality was examined depending on locally induced pH gradients with the help of the model enzyme penicillinase, which had been immobilized in the microfluidic channel. The surface morphology of the LAE and enzyme-functionalized LAPS was studied by scanning electron microscopy. Furthermore, the penicillin sensitivity of the LAPS inside the microfluidic channel was determined with regard to the analyte’s pH influence on the enzymatic reaction rate. In a final experiment, the LAE-controlled pH inhibition of the enzyme activity was monitored by the LAPS.
Reinforced concrete frames with masonry infill walls are popular form of construction all over the world as well in seismic regions. While severe earthquakes can cause high level of damage of both reinforced concrete and masonry infills, earthquakes of lower to medium intensity some-times can cause significant level of damage of masonry infill walls. Especially important is the level of damage of face loaded infill masonry walls (out-of-plane direction) as out-of-plane load cannot only bring high level of damage to the wall, it can also be life-threating for the people near the wall. The response in out-of-plane direction directly depends on the prior in-plane damage, as previous investigation shown that it decreases resistance capacity of the in-fills. Behaviour of infill masonry walls with and without prior in-plane load is investigated in the experimental campaign and the results are presented in this paper. These results are later compared with analytical approaches for the out-of-plane resistance from the literature. Conclusions based on the experimental campaign on the influence of prior in-plane damage on the out-of-plane response of infill walls are compared with the conclusions from other authors who investigated the same problematic.
Experimental investigation of behaviour of masonry infilled RC frames under out-of-plane loading
Masonry infills are commonly used as exterior or interior walls in reinforced concrete (RC) frame structures and they can be encountered all over the world, including earthquake prone regions. Since the middle of the 20th century the behaviour of these non-structural elements under seismic loading has been studied in numerous experimental campaigns. However, most of the studies were carried out by means of in-plane tests, while there is a lack of out-of-plane experimental investigations. In this paper, the out-of-plane tests carried out on full scale masonry infilled frames are described. The results of the out-of-plane tests are presented in terms of force-displacement curves and measured out-of-plane displacements. Finally, the reliability of existing analytical approaches developed to estimate the out-of-plane strength of masonry infills is examined on presented experimental results.
Nowadays modern high-performance buildings and facilities are equipped with monitoring systems and sensors to control building characteristics like energy consumption, temperature pattern and structural safety. The visualization and interpretation of sensor data is typically based on simple spreadsheets and non-standardized user-oriented solutions, which makes it difficult for building owners, facility managers and decision-makers to evaluate and understand the data. The solution of this problem in the future are integrated BIM-Sensor approaches which allow the generation of BIM models incorporating all relevant information of monitoring systems. These approaches support both the dynamic visualization of key structural performance parameters, the effective long-term management of sensor data based on BIM and provide a user-friendly interface to communicate with various stakeholders. A major benefit for the end user is the use of the BIM software architecture, which is the future standard anyway. In the following, the application of the integrated BIM-Sensor approach is illustrated for a typical industrial facility as a part of an early warning and rapid response system for earthquake events currently developed in the research project “ROBUST” with financial support by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Energy (BMWI).
Seismic vulnerability estimation of existing structures is unquestionably interesting topic of high priority, particularly after earthquake events. Having in mind the vast number of old masonry buildings in North Macedonia serving as public institutions, it is evident that the structural assessment of these buildings is an issue of great importance. In this paper, a comprehensive methodology for the development of seismic fragility curves of existing masonry buildings is presented. A scenario – based method that incorporates the knowledge of the tectonic style of the considered region, the active fault characterization, the earth crust model and the historical seismicity (determined via the Neo Deterministic approach) is used for calculation of the necessary response spectra. The capacity of the investigated masonry buildings has been determined by using nonlinear static analysis. MINEA software (SDA Engineering) is used for verification of the structural safety of the structures Performance point, obtained from the intersection of the capacity of the building and the spectra used, is selected as a response parameter. The thresholds of the spectral displacement are obtained by splitting the capacity curve into five parts, utilizing empirical formulas which are represented as a function of yield displacement and ultimate displacement. As a result, four levels of damage limit states are determined. A maximum likelihood estimation procedure for the process of fragility curves determination is noted as a final step in the proposed procedure. As a result, region specific series of vulnerability curves for structures are defined.
This paper describes the concept of an innovative, interdisciplinary, user-oriented earthquake warning and rapid response system coupled with a structural health monitoring system (SHM), capable to detect structural damages in real time. The novel system is based on interconnected decentralized seismic and structural health monitoring sensors. It is developed and will be exemplarily applied on critical infrastructures in Lower Rhine Region, in particular on a road bridge and within a chemical industrial facility. A communication network is responsible to exchange information between sensors and forward warnings and status reports about infrastructures’health condition to the concerned recipients (e.g., facility operators, local authorities). Safety measures such as emergency shutdowns are activated to mitigate structural damages and damage propagation. Local monitoring systems of the infrastructures are integrated in BIM models. The visualization of sensor data and the graphic representation of the detected damages provide spatial content to sensors data and serve as a useful and effective tool for the decision-making processes after an earthquake in the region under consideration.
Past earthquakes demonstrated the high vulnerability of industrial facilities equipped with complex process technologies leading to serious damage of the process equipment and multiple and simultaneous release of hazardous substances in industrial facilities. Nevertheless, the design of industrial plants is inadequately described in recent codes and guidelines, as they do not consider the dynamic interaction between the structure and the installations and thus the effect of seismic response of the installations on the response of the structure and vice versa. The current code-based approach for the seismic design of industrial facilities is considered not enough for ensure proper safety conditions against exceptional event entailing loss of content and related consequences. Accordingly, SPIF project (Seismic Performance of Multi-Component Systems in Special Risk Industrial Facilities) was proposed within the framework of the European H2020 - SERA funding scheme (Seismology and Earthquake Engineering Research Infrastructure Alliance for Europe). The objective of the SPIF project is the investigation of the seismic behaviour of a representative industrial structure equipped with complex process technology by means of shaking table tests. The test structure is a three-story moment resisting steel frame with vertical and horizontal vessels and cabinets, arranged on the three levels and connected by pipes. The dynamic behaviour of the test structure and of its relative several installations is investigated. Furthermore, both process components and primary structure interactions are considered and analyzed. Several PGA-scaled artificial ground motions are applied to study the seismic response at different levels. After each test, dynamic identification measurements are carried out to characterize the system condition. The contribution presents the experimental setup of the investigated structure and installations, selected measurement data and describes the obtained damage. Furthermore, important findings for the definition of performance limits, the effectiveness of floor response spectra in industrial facilities will be presented and discussed.
This paper presents a new SIMO radar system based on a harmonic radar (HR) stepped frequency continuous wave (SFCW) architecture. Simple tags that can be electronically individually activated and deactivated via a DC control voltage were developed and combined to form an MO array field. This HR operates in the entire 2.45 GHz ISM band for transmitting the illumination signal and receives at twice the stimulus frequency and bandwidth centered around 4.9 GHz. This paper presents the development, the basic theory of a HR system for the characterization of objects placed into the propagation path in-between the radar and the reflectors (similar to a free-space measurement with a network analyzer) as well as first measurements performed by the system. Further detailed measurement series will be made available later on to other researchers to develop AI and machine learning based signal processing routines or synthetic aperture radar algorithms for imaging, object recognition, and feature extraction. For this purpose, the necessary information is published in this paper. It is explained in detail why this SIMO-HR can be an attractive solution augmenting or replacing existing systems for radar measurements in production technology for material under test measurements and as a simplified MIMO system. The novel HR transfer function, which is a basis for researchers and developers for material characterization or imaging algorithms, is introduced and metrologically verified in a well traceable coaxial setup.
An approach to automatically generate a dynamic energy simulation model in Modelica for a single existing building is presented. It aims at collecting data about the status quo in the preparation of energy retrofits with low effort and costs. The proposed method starts from a polygon model of the outer building envelope obtained from photogrammetrically generated point clouds. The open-source tools TEASER and AixLib are used for data enrichment and model generation. A case study was conducted on a single-family house. The resulting model can accurately reproduce the internal air temperatures during synthetical heating up and cooling down. Modelled and measured whole building heat transfer coefficients (HTC) agree within a 12% range. A sensitivity analysis emphasises the importance of accurate window characterisations and justifies the use of a very simplified interior geometry. Uncertainties arising from the use of archetype U-values are estimated by comparing different typologies, with best- and worst-case estimates showing differences in pre-retrofit heat demand of about ±20% to the average; however, as the assumptions made are permitted by some national standards, the method is already close to practical applicability and opens up a path to quickly estimate possible financial and energy savings after refurbishment.
Magnetic immunoassays employing Frequency Mixing Magnetic Detection (FMMD) have recently become increasingly popular for quantitative detection of various analytes. Simultaneous analysis of a sample for two or more targets is desirable in order to reduce the sample amount, save consumables, and save time. We show that different types of magnetic beads can be distinguished according to their frequency mixing response to a two-frequency magnetic excitation at different static magnetic offset fields. We recorded the offset field dependent FMMD response of two different particle types at frequencies ƒ₁ + n⋅ƒ₂, n = 1, 2, 3, 4 with ƒ₁ = 30.8 kHz and ƒ₂ = 63 Hz. Their signals were clearly distinguishable by the locations of the extremes and zeros of their responses. Binary mixtures of the two particle types were prepared with different mixing ratios. The mixture samples were analyzed by determining the best linear combination of the two pure constituents that best resembled the measured signals of the mixtures. Using a quadratic programming algorithm, the mixing ratios could be determined with an accuracy of greater than 14%. If each particle type is functionalized with a different antibody, multiplex detection of two different analytes becomes feasible.
The on-chip integration of multiple biochemical sensors based on field-effect electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitors (EISCAP) is challenging due to technological difficulties in realization of electrically isolated EISCAPs on the same Si chip. In this work, we present a new simple design for an array of on-chip integrated, individually electrically addressable EISCAPs with an additional control gate (CG-EISCAP). The existence of the CG enables an addressable activation or deactivation of on-chip integrated individual CG-EISCAPs by simple electrical switching the CG of each sensor in various setups, and makes the new design capable for multianalyte detection without cross-talk effects between the sensors in the array. The new designed CG-EISCAP chip was modelled in so-called floating/short-circuited and floating/capacitively-coupled setups, and the corresponding electrical equivalent circuits were developed. In addition, the capacitance-voltage curves of the CG-EISCAP chip in different setups were simulated and compared with that of a single EISCAP sensor. Moreover, the sensitivity of the CG-EISCAP chip to surface potential changes induced by biochemical reactions was simulated and an impact of different parameters, such as gate voltage, insulator thickness and doping concentration in Si, on the sensitivity has been discussed.
Humic substances (HS), as important environmental components, are essential to soil health and agricultural sustainability. The usage of low-rank coal (LRC) for energy generation has declined considerably due to the growing popularity of renewable energy sources and gas. However, their potential as soil amendment aimed to maintain soil quality and productivity deserves more recognition. LRC, a highly heterogeneous material in nature, contains large quantities of HS and may effectively help to restore the physicochemical, biological, and ecological functionality of soil. Multiple emerging studies support the view that LRC and its derivatives can positively impact the soil microclimate, nutrient status, and organic matter turnover. Moreover, the phytotoxic effects of some pollutants can be reduced by subsequent LRC application. Broad geographical availability, relatively low cost, and good technical applicability of LRC offer the advantage of easy fulfilling soil amendment and conditioner requirements worldwide. This review analyzes and emphasizes the potential of LRC and its numerous forms/combinations for soil amelioration and crop production. A great benefit would be a systematic investment strategy implicating safe utilization and long-term application of LRC for sustainable agricultural production.
The coupling of ligand-stabilized gold nanoparticles with field-effect devices offers new possibilities for label-free biosensing. In this work, we study the immobilization of aminooctanethiol-stabilized gold nanoparticles (AuAOTs) on the silicon dioxide surface of a capacitive field-effect sensor. The terminal amino group of the AuAOT is well suited for the functionalization with biomolecules. The attachment of the positively-charged AuAOTs on a capacitive field-effect sensor was detected by direct electrical readout using capacitance-voltage and constant capacitance measurements. With a higher particle density on the sensor surface, the measured signal change was correspondingly more pronounced. The results demonstrate the ability of capacitive field-effect sensors for the non-destructive quantitative validation of nanoparticle immobilization. In addition, the electrostatic binding of the polyanion polystyrene sulfonate to the AuAOT-modified sensor surface was studied as a model system for the label-free detection of charged macromolecules. Most likely, this approach can be transferred to the label-free detection of other charged molecules such as enzymes or antibodies.
Erdbebennachweis von Mauerwerksbauten mit realistischen Modellen und erhöhten Verhaltensbeiwerten
Die Anwendung des linearen Nachweiskonzepts auf Mauerwerksbauten führt dazu, dass bereits heute Standsicherheitsnachweise für Gebäude mit üblichen Grundrissen in Gebieten mit moderaten Erdbebeneinwirkungen nicht mehr geführt werden können. Diese Problematik wird sich in Deutschland mit der Einführung kontinuierlicher probabilistischer Erdbebenkarten weiter verschärfen. Aufgrund der Erhöhung der seismischen Einwirkungen, die sich vielerorts ergibt, ist es erforderlich, die vorhandenen, bislang nicht berücksichtigten Tragfähigkeitsreserven in nachvollziehbaren Nachweiskonzepten in der Baupraxis verfügbar zu machen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt ein Konzept für die gebäudespezifische Ermittlung von erhöhten Verhaltensbeiwerten vor. Die Verhaltensbeiwerte setzen sich aus drei Anteilen zusammen, mit denen die Lastumverteilung im Grundriss, die Verformungsfähigkeit und Energiedissipation sowie die Überfestigkeiten berücksichtigt werden. Für die rechnerische Ermittlung dieser drei Anteile wird ein nichtlineares Nachweiskonzept auf Grundlage von Pushover-Analysen vorgeschlagen, in denen die Interaktionen von Wänden und Geschossdecken durch einen Einspanngrad beschrieben werden. Für die Bestimmung der Einspanngrade wird ein nichtlinearer Modellierungsansatz eingeführt, mit dem die Interaktion von Wänden und Decken abgebildet werden kann. Die Anwendung des Konzepts mit erhöhten gebäudespezifischen Verhaltensbeiwerten wird am Beispiel eines Mehrfamilienhauses aus Kalksandsteinen demonstriert. Die Ergebnisse der linearen Nachweise mit erhöhten Verhaltensbeiwerten für dieses Gebäude liegen deutlich näher an den Ergebnissen nichtlinearer Nachweise und somit bleiben übliche Grundrisse in Erdbebengebieten mit den traditionellen linearen Rechenansätzen nachweisbar.
Mauerwerksbauten in Deutschland sind mit Einführung des nationalen Anwendungsdokuments DIN EN 1998-1/NA auf Grundlage einer neuen probabilistischen Erdbebenkarte nachzuweisen. Für erfolgreiche Erdbebennachweise üblicher Grundrissformen von Mauerwerksbauten stehen in dem zukünftigen Anwendungsdokument neue rechnerische Nachweismöglichkeiten zur Verfügung, mit denen die Tragfähigkeitsreserven von Mauerwerksbauten in der Baupraxis mit einem überschaubaren Aufwand besser in Ansatz gebracht werden können. Das Standardrechenverfahren ist weiterhin der kraftbasierte Nachweis, der nun mit höheren Verhaltensbeiwerten im Vergleich zur DIN 4149 durchgeführt werden kann. Die höheren Verhaltensbeiwerte basieren auf der besseren Ausnutzung der gebäudespezifischen Verformungsfähigkeit und Energiedissipation sowie der Lastumverteilung der Schubkräfte im Grundriss mit Ansatz von Rahmentragwirkung durch Wand-Deckeninteraktionen. Alternativ dazu kann ein nichtlinearer Nachweis auf Grundlage von Pushover-Analysen zur Anwendung kommen. Vervollständigt werden die Regelungen für Mauerwerksbauten durch neue Regelungen für nichttragende Innenwände und Außenmauerschalen. Der vorliegende Beitrag stellt die Grundlagen und Hintergründe der neuen rechnerischen Nachweise in DIN EN 1998-1/NA vor und demonstriert deren Anwendung an einem Beispiel aus der Praxis.
Past earthquakes demonstrated the high vulnerability of industrial facilities equipped with complex process technologies leading to serious damage of process equipment and multiple and simultaneous release of hazardous substances. Nonetheless, current standards for seismic design of industrial facilities are considered inadequate to guarantee proper safety conditions against exceptional events entailing loss of containment and related consequences. On these premises, the SPIF project -Seismic Performance of Multi-Component Systems in Special Risk Industrial Facilities- was proposed within the framework of the European H2020 SERA funding scheme. In detail, the objective of the SPIF project is the investigation of the seismic behaviour of a representative industrial multi-storey frame structure equipped with complex process components by means of shaking table tests. Along this main vein and in a performance-based design perspective, the issues investigated in depth are the interaction between a primary moment resisting frame (MRF) steel structure and secondary process components that influence the performance of the whole system; and a proper check of floor spectra predictions. The evaluation of experimental data clearly shows a favourable performance of the MRF structure, some weaknesses of local details due to the interaction between floor crossbeams and process components and, finally, the overconservatism of current design standards w.r.t. floor spectra predictions.
In the context of the Solvency II directive, the operation of an internal risk model is a possible way for risk assessment and for the determination of the solvency capital requirement of an insurance company in the European Union. A Monte Carlo procedure is customary to generate a model output. To be compliant with the directive, validation of the internal risk model is conducted on the basis of the model output. For this purpose, we suggest a new test for checking whether there is a significant change in the modeled solvency capital requirement. Asymptotic properties of the test statistic are investigated and a bootstrap approximation is justified. A simulation study investigates the performance of the test in the finite sample case and confirms the theoretical results. The internal risk model and the application of the test is illustrated in a simplified example. The method has more general usage for inference of a broad class of law-invariant and coherent risk measures on the basis of a paired sample.
Wir stellen hier exemplarisch STACK Aufgaben vor, die frei von der Problematik sind, welche sich durch diverse Kommunikationswege und (webbasierte) Computer Algebra Systeme (CAS) ergibt. Daher sind sie insbesondere für eine Open-Book Online Prüfung geeignet, da eine faire Prüfungssituation gewährleistet werden kann.