- Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (9)
- Fachbereich Architektur (1)
- Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie (1)
- Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (1)
- Fachbereich Energietechnik (1)
- Fachbereich Gestaltung (1)
- Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (1)
- Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Mechatronik (1)
- Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik (1)
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- no (9)
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- no (9)
Das Diskussionspapier beschreibt einen Prozess an der FH Aachen zur Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Self-Assessment-Tools für Studiengänge. Dieser Prozess zielte darauf ab, die Relevanz der Themen Digitalisierung, Internationalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit in Studiengängen zu stärken. Durch Workshops und kollaborative Entwicklung mit Studiendekan:innen entstand ein Fragebogen, der zur Reflexion und strategischen Weiterentwicklung der Studiengänge dient.
This Research Briefing, issued in July 2010, concluded that:
- Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Europe have long called for a matching legal form valid across the EU (similar to that of the European company (SE) for large firms)
- The main benefits would be the availability of uniform Europe-wide company structures, significant cost reductions for businesses and further integration of the internal market
- Given the differing national views regarding the concrete features of the new legal form there is currently no sign of an agreement being reached at the European level in the short term; however, it is possible that progress will be made in negotiations during the year
- The key issues being discussed in depth are company formation, transnationality and employee participation rights in the new European private company (SPE).
Divided government is often thought of as causing legislative deadlock. I investigate the link between divided government and economic reforms using a novel data set on welfare reforms in US states between 1978 and 2010. Panel data regressions show that, under divided government, a US state is around 25% more likely to adopt a welfare reform than under unified government. Several robustness checks confirm this counter-intuitive finding. Case study evidence suggests an explanation based on policy competition between governor, senate, and house.
Does stiffer electoral competition reduce political shirking? For a micro-analysis of this question, I construct a new data set spanning the years 2005 to 2012 covering biographical and political information about German Members of Parliament (MPs), including their attendance rates in voting sessions. For the parliament elected in 2009, I show that indeed opposition party MPs who expect to face a close race in their district show significantly and relevantly lower absence rates in parliament beforehand. MPs of governing parties seem not to react significantly to electoral competition. These results are confirmed by an analysis of the parliament elected in 2005, by several robustness checks, and also by employing an instrumental variable strategy exploiting convenient peculiarities of the German electoral system. The study also shows how MPs elected via party lists react to different levels of electoral competition.