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- no (3)
- English (3)
Document Type
- Acoustic Cardiac Trigger (1)
- Acoustic Trigger (1)
- Acoustic Wave Guide (1)
- Cardiac Gating (1)
- Patient Burn (1)
- weltweit (3)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (3)
As ultrahigh field cardiac MRI becomes more widespread in the (pre)clinical research arena the propensity of ECG recordings to interference from electromagnetic fields and magneto-hydrodynamic effects increases and with it the motivation for a practical gating/triggering alternative. This study compares the feasibility, efficacy and reliability phonocardiogram (ACT), vector electrocardiogram (VCG) and traditional pulse oximetry (pO2) triggered MRI for left ventricular function assessment at 7.0T. ACTs intrinsic insensitivity to interference from electro-magnetic fields and magneto-hydrodynamic effects results in an excellent trigger reliability and renders it suitable for global cardiac function assessment at ultrahigh magnetic field strengths.
This study is designed to demonstrate the promise of navigator gated, susceptibility weighted fast spin-echo imaging in conjunction with ventricular blood suppression for anatomically accurate T2*-mapping of the heart. First results of phantom and volunteer studies demonstrate the geometrical integrity and high image quality obtained with UFLARE - even for strong T2*-weighting at 1.5T and 3.0T. T2*-mapping using UFLARE yielded mean T2* values for the inferoseptal myocardium of 29.96.6 ms at 1.5T and 22.34.8 ms at 3.0T. The results derived with susceptibility weighted UFLARE promise to extend the capabilities of CVMR including mapping and quantification of myocardial iron content.