Document Type
- Article (12)
- Conference Proceeding (12)
- CFD (2)
- Actuator disk modelling (1)
- Aircraft design (1)
- Aircraft sizing (1)
- BET (1)
- CFD propeller simulation (1)
- Correlations (1)
- Design rules (1)
- Drag (1)
- Drag estimation (1)
This paper presents a novel method for airfoil drag estimation at Reynolds numbers between 4×10⁵ and 4×10⁶. The novel method is based on a systematic study of 40 airfoils applying over 600 numerical simulations and considering natural transition. The influence of the airfoil thickness-to-chord ratio, camber, and freestream Reynolds number on both friction and pressure drag is analyzed in detail. Natural transition significantly affects drag characteristics and leads to distinct drag minima for different Reynolds numbers and thickness-to-chord ratios. The results of the systematic study are used to develop empirical correlations that can accurately predict an airfoil drag at low-lift conditions. The new approach estimates a transition location based on airfoil thickness-to-chord ratio, camber, and Reynolds number. It uses the transition location in a mixed laminar–turbulent skin-friction calculation, and corrects the skin-friction coefficient for separation effects. Pressure drag is estimated separately based on correlations of thickness-to-chord ratio, camber, and Reynolds number. The novel method shows excellent accuracy when compared with wind-tunnel measurements of multiple airfoils. It is easily integrable into existing aircraft design environments and is highly beneficial in the conceptual design stage.
A review of guidelines and best practices for subsonic aerodynamic simulations using RANS CFD
This paper presents an approach for UAV propulsion system qualification and validation on the example of FH Aachen's 25 kg cargo UAV "PhoenAIX". Thrust and power consumption are the most important aspects of a propulsion system's layout. In the initial design phase, manufacturers' data has to be trusted, but the validation of components is an essential step in the design process. This process is presented in this paper. The vertical takeoff system is designed for efficient hover; therefore, performance under static conditions is paramount. Because an octo-copter layout with coaxial rotors is considered, the impact of this design choice is analyzed. Data on thrust, voltage stability, power consumption, rotational speed, and temperature development of motors and controllers are presented for different rotors. The fixed-wing propulsion system is designed for efficient cruise flight. At the same time, a certain static thrust has to be provided, as the aircraft needs to accelerate to cruise speed. As for the hover-system, data on different propellers is compared. The measurements were taken for static conditions, as well as for different inflow velocities, using the FH-Aachen's wind-tunnel.
The paper presents the derivation of a new equivalent skin friction coefficient for estimating the parasitic drag of short-to-medium range fixed-wing unmanned aircraft. The new coefficient is derived from an aerodynamic analysis of ten different unmanned aircraft used on surveillance, reconnaissance, and search and rescue missions. The aircraft are simulated using a validated unsteady Reynolds-averaged Navier Stokes approach. The UAV's parasitic drag is significantly influenced by the presence of miscellaneous components like fixed landing gears or electro-optical sensor turrets. These components are responsible for almost half of an unmanned aircraft's total parasitic drag. The new equivalent skin friction coefficient accounts for these effects and is significantly higher compared to other aircraft categories. It is used to initially size an unmanned aircraft for a typical reconnaissance mission. The improved parasitic drag estimation yields a much heavier unmanned aircraft when compared to the sizing results using available drag data of manned aircraft.
Die autonome, unbemannte Luftfahrt ist einer der Schlüsselsektoren für die Zukunft der Luftfahrt. In diesem rasant wachsenden Bereich nehmen senkrecht startende und senkrecht landende Flugzeuge (Vertical Take-Off and Landing – VTOL) einen besonderen Platz ein. Ein VTOL-Flugzeug (manchmal auch „Transitionsfluggerät“ genannt) verbindet die Eigenschaft des Helikopters, überall starten und landen zu können, mit den Geschwindigkeits-, Reichweiten und Flugdauervorteilen des Starrflüglers. Grundsätzlich wird die Senkrechtstart- und -landefähigkeit sowohl von zivilen als auch von militärischen Betreibern unbemannter Fluggeräte (UAVs) gewünscht. Trotzdem bietet der Markt nur eine geringe Anzahl von VTOL-UAVs, da qualitativ hochwertige Entwürfe eine ausgesprochene Herausforderung in der Entwicklung darstellen. An der FH Aachen wird deshalb seit über 5 Jahren an der Auslegung und Analyse von solchen unbemannten VTOL Flugzeugen geforscht. Das neuste Projekt ist der Eigenentwurf einer großen, senkrechtstartenden Transportdrohne. Das „PhoenAIX“ getaufte Fluggerät wird von Falk Götten und Felix Finger im Rahmen einer EFRE-Förderung entwickelt.