Year of publication
- 2016 (2)
Has Fulltext
- no (2)
- English (2)
Document Type
- Article (2)
- Cardiac tissue (1)
- Computational biomechanics (1)
- Drug simulation (1)
- Electromechanical modeling (1)
- Frequency adaption (1)
- Hodgkin–Huxley models (1)
- Homogenization (1)
- hiPS cardiomyocytes (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (2)
Replacement tissues, designed to fill in articular cartilage defects, should exhibit the same properties as the native material. The aim of this study is to foster the understanding of, firstly, the mechanical behavior of the material itself and, secondly, the influence of cultivation parameters on cell seeded implants as well as on cell migration into acellular implants. In this study, acellular cartilage replacement material is theoretically, numerically and experimentally investigated regarding its viscoelastic properties, where a phenomenological model for practical applications is developed. Furthermore, remodeling and cell migration are investigated.
We present an electromechanically coupled computational model for the investigation of a thin cardiac tissue construct consisting of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial, ventricular and sinoatrial cardiomyocytes. The mechanical and electrophysiological parts of the finite element model, as well as their coupling are explained in detail. The model is implemented in the open source finite element code Code_Aster and is employed for the simulation of a thin circular membrane deflected by a monolayer of autonomously beating, circular, thin cardiac tissue. Two cardio-active drugs, S-Bay K8644 and veratridine, are applied in experiments and simulations and are investigated with respect to their chronotropic effects on the tissue. These results demonstrate the potential of coupled micro- and macroscopic electromechanical models of cardiac tissue to be adapted to experimental results at the cellular level. Further model improvements are discussed taking into account experimentally measurable quantities that can easily be extracted from the obtained experimental results. The goal is to estimate the potential to adapt the presented model to sample specific cell cultures.