Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (27)
- Book (3)
- Conference Proceeding (2)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Acceleration (1)
- Afterload (1)
- Asymptotic efficiency (1)
- Blitzschutz (1)
- Censored data (1)
- Compliance (1)
- Contractility (1)
- Esophageal Doppler monitor (1)
- Force (1)
- Kinetic energy (1)
Based on an identifying Volterra type integral equation for randomly right censored observations from a lifetime distribution function F, we solve the corresponding estimating equation by an explicit and implicit Euler scheme. While the first approach results in some known estimators, the second one produces new semi-parametric and pre-smoothed Kaplan–Meier estimators which are real distribution functions rather than sub-distribution functions as the former ones are. This property of the new estimators is particular useful if one wants to estimate the expected lifetime restricted to the support of the observation time.
Specifically, we focus on estimation under the semi-parametric random censorship model (SRCM), that is, a random censorship model where the conditional expectation of the censoring indicator given the observation belongs to a parametric family. We show that some estimated linear functionals which are based on the new semi-parametric estimator are strong consistent, asymptotically normal, and efficient under SRCM. In a small simulation study, the performance of the new estimator is illustrated under moderate sample sizes. Finally, we apply the new estimator to a well-known real dataset.
In the presented paper data collected from the field related to damage statistics of electrical and electronic apparatus in household are reported and investigated. These damages (total number approx. 74000 cases), registered by five German insurance companies in 2005 and 2006, were adviced by customers as caused by lightning overvoltages. With the use of stochastical methods it is possible, to reasses the collected data and to distinguish between cases, which are with high probability caused by lightning overvoltages, and those, which are not. If there was an indication for a direct strike, this case was excluded, so the focus was only on indirect lightning flashes, i.e. only flashes to ground near the structure and flashes to or nearby an incoming service line were investigated. The data from the field contain the location of damaged apparatus (residence of the policy holder) and the distances of the nearest cloud-to-ground stroke to the location of the damage registered by the German lightning location network BLIDS at the date of damage. The statistical data along with some complementary numerical simulations allow to verify the correspondence of the Standards rules used for IEC 62305-2 with the field data and to define some correction needs. The results could lead to a better understanding whether a damage reported to an insurance company is really caused by indirect lightning, or not.