Year of publication
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (7)
- Article (4)
- Part of a Book (3)
- Book (1)
- Geschichte (2)
- 3D nonlinear finite element model (1)
- Effective modal mass (1)
- Natural frequency (1)
- Suspension bridge (1)
- Technische Mechanik (1)
- Thin shell finite elements (1)
- Wellen (1)
- mechanical waves (1)
This paper presents the results of an eigenvalue analysis of the Fatih Sultan Mehmet Bridge. A high-resolution finite element model was created directly from the available design documents. All physical properties of the structural components were included in detail, so no calibration to the measured data was necessary. The deck and towers were modeled with shell elements. A nonlinear static analysis was performed before the eigenvalue calculation. The calculated natural frequencies and corresponding mode shapes showed good agreement with the available measured ambient vibration data. The calculation of the effective modal mass showed that nine modes had single contributions higher than 5 % of the total mass. They were in a frequency range up to 1.2 Hz. The comparison of the results for the torsional modes especially demonstrated the advantage of using thin shell finite elements over the beam modeling approach.
The propagation of mechanical waves in plates of isotropic elastic material is investigated. After a short introduction to the understanding of focussing of stress waves in a plate with a curved boundary the method of characteristics is applied to a plate of hyperelastic material. Using this method the propagation of acceleration waves is discussed. Based on this a numerical difference scheme is developed for solving initial-boundary-value problems and applied to two examples: propagation of a point disturbance in a homogeneously finitely strained non-linear elastic plate and geometrical focussing in al linear elastic plate.
Effectiveness of the edge-based smoothed finite element method applied to soft biological tissues
Von der Königlichen Höheren Maschinenbauschule Aachen zu den Ingenieurfachbereichen der FH Aachen
75 Jahre Vereinsgeschichte