Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (11)
- Conference Proceeding (3)
- Biosensor (1)
- Calorimetric gas sensor (1)
- Gas sensor (1)
- Haustechnik (1)
- Heizung (1)
- Hydrogen peroxide (1)
- Klimatechnik (1)
- Lüftung (1)
- Lüftungstechnik (1)
- Polyimide (1)
An H2O2 sensor for the application in industrial sterilisation processes has been developed. Therefore, automated sterilisation equipment at laboratory scale has been constructed using parts from industrial sterilisation facilities. In addition, a software tool has been developed for the control of the sterilisation equipment at laboratory scale. First measurements with the developed sensor set-up as part of the sterilisation equipment have been performed and the sensor has been physically characterised by optical microscopy and SEM.
Realisation of a calorimetric gas sensor on polyimide foil for applications in aseptic food industry
A calorimetric gas sensor is presented for the monitoring of vapour-phase H2O2 at elevated temperature during sterilisation processes in aseptic food industry. The sensor was built up on a flexible polyimide foil (thickness: 25 μm) that has been chosen due to its thermal stability and low thermal conductivity. The sensor set-up consists of two temperature-sensitive platinum thin-film resistances passivated by a layer of SU-8 photo resist and catalytically activated by manganese(IV) oxide. Instead of an active heating structure, the calorimetric sensor utilises the elevated temperature of the evaporated H2O2 aerosol. In an experimental test rig, the sensor has shown a sensitivity of 4.78 °C/(%, v/v) in a H2O2 concentration range of 0%, v/v to 8%, v/v. Furthermore, the sensor possesses the same, unchanged sensor signal even at varied medium temperatures between 210 °C and 270 °C of the gas stream. At flow rates of the gas stream from 8 m3/h to 12 m3/h, the sensor has shown only a slightly reduced sensitivity at a low flow rate of 8 m3/h. The sensor characterisation demonstrates the suitability of the calorimetric gas sensor for monitoring the efficiency of industrial sterilisation processes.
Gas sensor investigation based on a catalytically activated thin-film thermopile for H2O2 detection
In aseptic filling systems, hydrogen peroxide vapour is commonly used for the reduction of microbial contaminations in carton packages. In this process, the germicidal efficiency of the vapour depends especially on the H₂O₂ concentration. To monitor the H₂O₂ concentration, a calorimetric H₂O₂ gas sensor based on a catalytically activated thin-film thermopile is investigated. Two different sensor layouts, namely a circular and a linear form, as well as two various material pairs such as tungsten/nickel and gold/nickel, have been examined for the realization of a thin-film thermopile. Additionally, manganese oxide and palladium particles have been compared as responsive catalysts towards H₂O₂. The thin-film sensors have been investigated at various H₂O₂ concentrations, gas temperatures and flow rates.
A handheld sensor system for the online measurement of hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) in aseptic sterilisation processes has been developed. It is based on a calorimetric-type gas sensor that consists of a differential set-up of two temperature sensors, of which one is catalytically activated and the second one is passivated and used as reference. The sensor principle relies in detecting a rise in temperature on the active sensor due to the exothermic reaction of H2O2 on the catalytic surface. To characterise the sensor system towards H2O2 sensitivity and other influencing factors, measurements have been carried out both at an experimental set-up and a manufacturer's sterilisation machine. Physical sensor characterisation was done by means of the optical microscopy.
In aseptischen Abfüllsystemen wird Wasserstoffperoxid in der Gasphase aufgrund der stark oxidativen Wirkung zur Packstoffentkeimung eingesetzt. Dabei wird die Effizienz der Entkeimung im Wesentlichen von der vorliegenden H2O2-Konzentration im Packstoff bestimmt. Zur Inline-Überwachung der H2O2-Konzentration wurde ein kalorimetrischer Gassensor auf Basis einer flexiblen Polyimidfolie aus temperatursensitiven Dünnschicht-Widerständen und Mangan(IV)-oxid als katalytische Transducerschicht realisiert. Der Sensor weist ein lineares Ansprechverhalten mit einer Sensitivität von 7,15 °C/Vol.-% in einem H2O2-Konzentrationsbereich von 0 bis 8 Vol.-% auf. Weiterhin wurde zur Auslesung des Sensorsignals eine RFID-Elektronik, bestehend aus einem Sensor-Tag und einer Sende-/Empfangseinheit ausgelegt, sowie eine Abfolge des Messzyklus aufgestellt. Im weiteren Verlauf soll der kalorimetrische Gassensor mit der RFID-Elektronik gekoppelt und in eine Testverpackung zur Inline-Überwachung der H2O2-Konzentration in aseptischen Abfüllsystemen implementiert werden.