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- no (6)
Document Type
- Article (4)
- Conference Proceeding (2)
- Bloom’s Taxonomy (1)
- Competence Developing Games (1)
- Elicit (1)
- Game-based learning (1)
- IT security education (1)
- Keyword analysis (1)
- Performance (1)
- Personality (1)
- Software (1)
- Teamwork (1)
Cyberspace is "the environment formed by physical and non-physical components to store, modify, and exchange data using computer networks" (NATO CCDCOE). Beyond that, it is an environment where people interact. IT attacks are hostile, non-cooperative interactions that can be described with conflict theory. Applying conflict theory to IT security leads to different objectives for end-user education, requiring different formats like agency-based competence developing games.
Die NATO definiert den Cyberspace als die "Umgebung, die durch physische und nicht-physische Bestandteile zum Speichern, Ändern, und Austauschen von Daten mit Hilfe von Computer-Netzwerken" [NATO CCDCOE]. Darüber hinaus ist es ein Medium menschlicher Interaktion. IT Angriffe sind feindselige, nichtkooperative Interaktionen, die mittels Konflikttheorie beschrieben werden können. Durch die Anwendung dieses Gedankengebäudes auf IT Sicherheit von Organisationen können eine Reihe von Verbesserungen in Unternehmen identifiziert werden.
Due to the increasing complexity of software projects, software development is becoming more and more dependent on teams. The quality of this teamwork can vary depending on the team composition, as teams are always a combination of different skills and personality types. This paper aims to answer the question of how to describe a software development team and what influence the personality of the team members has on the team dynamics. For this purpose, a systematic literature review (n=48) and a literature search with the AI research assistant Elicit (n=20) were conducted. Result: A person’s personality significantly shapes his or her thinking and actions, which in turn influences his or her behavior in software development teams. It has been shown that team performance and satisfaction can be strongly influenced by personality. The quality of communication and the likelihood of conflict can also be attributed to personality.
Through a mirror darkly – On the obscurity of teaching goals in game-based learning in IT security
Teachers and instructors use very specific language communicating teaching goals. The most widely used frameworks of common reference are the Bloom’s Taxonomy and the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy. The latter provides distinction of 209 different teaching goals which are connected to methods. In Competence Developing Games (CDGs - serious games to convey knowledge) and in IT security education, a two- or three level typology exists, reducing possible learning outcomes to awareness, training, and education. This study explores whether this much simpler framework succeeds in achieving the same range of learning outcomes. Method wise a keyword analysis was conducted. The results were threefold: 1. The words used to describe teaching goals in CDGs on IT security education do not reflect the whole range of learning outcomes. 2. The word choice is nevertheless different from common language, indicating an intentional use of language. 3. IT security CDGs use different sets of terms to describe learning outcomes, depending on whether they are awareness, training, or education games. The interpretation of the findings is that the reduction to just three types of CDGs reduces the capacity to communicate and think about learning outcomes and consequently reduces the outcomes that are intentionally achieved.
Game-based learning is a promising approach to anti-phishing education, as it fosters motivation and can help reduce the perceived difficulty of the educational material. Over the years, several prototypes for game-based applications have been proposed, that follow different approaches in content selection, presentation, and game mechanics. In this paper, a literature and product review of existing learning games is presented. Based on research papers and accessible applications, an in-depth analysis was conducted, encompassing target groups, educational contexts, learning goals based on Bloom’s Revised Taxonomy, and learning content. As a result of this review, we created the publications on games (POG) data set for the domain of anti-phishing education. While there are games that can convey factual and conceptual knowledge, we find that most games are either unavailable, fail to convey procedural knowledge or lack technical depth. Thus, we identify potential areas of improvement for games suitable for end-users in informal learning contexts.
Die steigende Popularität von mobilen Endgeräten im privaten und geschäftlichen Umfeld geht mit einem Anstieg an Sicherheitslücken und somit potentiellen Angriffsflächen einher. Als ein Element der technischen und organisatorischen Maßnahmen zum Schutz eines Netzwerkes können Monitoring-Apps dienen, die unerwünschtes Verhalten und Angriffe erkennen. Die automatisierte Überwachung von Endgeräten ist jedoch rechtlich und ethisch komplex. Dies in Kombination mit einer hohen Sensibilität der Nutzer und Nutzerinnen dieser Geräte in Bezug auf Privatsphäre, kann zu einer geringen Akzeptanz und Compliance führen. Eine datenschutzrechtlich und ethisch einwandfreie Konzeption solcher Apps bereits im Designprozess führt zu höherer Akzeptanz und verbessert so die Effizienz. Diese Analyse beschreibt Möglichkeiten zur Umsetzung.