- Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Mechatronik (5)
- Fachbereich Architektur (1)
- Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie (1)
- Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (1)
- Fachbereich Energietechnik (1)
- Fachbereich Gestaltung (1)
- Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (1)
- Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik (1)
- Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (1)
Has Fulltext
- no (5)
Document Type
- Article (2)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Conference Proceeding (1)
- Working Paper (1)
- Additive manufacturing (1)
- Binder Jetting (1)
- Directed Energy Deposition (1)
- L-PBF (1)
- Laser-Powder Bed Fusion (1)
- SOA (1)
- factory planning (1)
- manufacturing data model (1)
- manufacturing flexibility (1)
- production planning and control (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (5)
The manufacturing share of laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF) increases in industrial application, but still many process steps are manually operated. Additionally, it is not possible to achieve tight dimensional tolerances or low surfaces roughness. Hence, a process chain has to be set up to combine additive manufacturing (AM) with further machining technologies. To achieve a continuous workpiece flow as basis for further industrialization of L-PBF, the paper presents a novel substrate system and its application on L-PBF machines and post-processing. The substrate system consists of a zero-point clamping system and a matrix-like interface of contact pins to be substantially connected to the workpiece within the L-PBF process.
Additive Manufacturing (AM) of metallic workpieces faces a continuously rising technological relevance and market size. Producing complex or highly strained unique workpieces is a significant field of application, making AM highly relevant for tool components. Its successful economic application requires systematic workpiece based decisions and optimizations. Considering geometric and technological requirements as well as the necessary post-processing makes deciding effortful and requires in-depth knowledge. As design is usually adjusted to established manufacturing, associated technological and strategic potentials are often neglected. To embed AM in a future proof industrial environment, software-based self-learning tools are necessary. Integrated into production planning, they enable companies to unlock the potentials of AM efficiently. This paper presents an appropriate methodology for the analysis of process-specific AM-eligibility and optimization potential, added up by concrete optimization proposals. For an integrated workpiece characterization, proven methods are enlarged by tooling-specific figures.
The first stage of the approach specifies the model’s initialization. A learning set of tooling components is described using the developed key figure system. Based on this, a set of applicable rules for workpiece-specific result determination is generated through clustering and expert evaluation. Within the following application stage, strategic orientation is quantified and workpieces of interest are described using the developed key figures. Subsequently, the retrieved information is used for automatically generating specific recommendations relying on the generated ruleset of stage one. Finally, actual experiences regarding the recommendations are gathered within stage three. Statistic learning transfers those to the generated ruleset leading to a continuously deepening knowledge base. This process enables a steady improvement in output quality.
Manufacturing companies across multiple industries face an increasingly dynamic and unpredictable environment. This development can be seen on both the market and supply side. To respond to these challenges, manufacturing companies must implement smart manufacturing systems and become more flexible and agile. The flexibility in operational planning regarding the scheduling and sequencing of customer orders needs to be increased and new structures must be implemented in manufacturing systems’ fundamental design as they constitute much of the operational flexibility available. To this end, smart and more flexible solutions for production planning and control (PPC) are developed. However, scheduling or sequencing is often only considered isolated in a predefined stable environment. Moreover, their orientation on the fundamental logic of the existing IT solutions and their applicability in a dynamic environment is limited. This paper presents a conceptual model for a task-based description logic that can be applied to factory planning, technology planning, and operational control. By using service-oriented architectures, the goal is to generate smart manufacturing systems. The logic is designed to allow for easy and automated maintenance. It is compatible with the existing resource and process allocation logic across operational and strategic factory and production planning.
Das Diskussionspapier beschreibt einen Prozess an der FH Aachen zur Entwicklung und Implementierung eines Self-Assessment-Tools für Studiengänge. Dieser Prozess zielte darauf ab, die Relevanz der Themen Digitalisierung, Internationalisierung und Nachhaltigkeit in Studiengängen zu stärken. Durch Workshops und kollaborative Entwicklung mit Studiendekan:innen entstand ein Fragebogen, der zur Reflexion und strategischen Weiterentwicklung der Studiengänge dient.
Hybride Produktionssysteme
Während die virtuelle Produktentstehungskette große Gestaltungsfreiräume bietet, ist die reale Produktentstehungskette durch wesentlich mehr Randbedingungen gekennzeichnet, die nicht oder nur ansatzweise beeinflussbar sind. Die Realisierung des aus logistischer Sicht optimalen One-Piece-Flow bei gleichzeitiger Steigerung von Flexibilität und Produktivität sowie des Verschiebens der Grenze des technologisch Machbaren müssen in zukünftigen Forschungsansätzen gleichermaßen betrachtet werden. Die Grenzverschiebung auf Basis der Integration von Technologien ist dabei ein viel versprechender Ansatz, der es in vielen Fällen ermöglicht, in allen genannten Zielrichtungen gleichermaßen Potentiale zu erschließen.