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- no (11)
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- Article (5)
- Conference Proceeding (4)
- Part of a Book (2)
- Elicit (1)
- Gamification (1)
- Leaderboard (1)
- Performance (1)
- Personality (1)
- Software (1)
- Software development (1)
- Software testing (1)
- Teamwork (1)
- competence developing games (1)
Mouse nongenotoxic hepatocarcinogens phenobarbital (PB) and chlordane induce hepatomegaly characterized by hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Increased cell proliferation is implicated in the mechanism of tumor induction. The relevance of these tumors to human health is unclear. The xenoreceptors, constitutive androstane receptors (CARs), and pregnane X receptor (PXR) play key roles in these processes. Novel “humanized” and knockout models for both receptors were developed to investigate potential species differences in hepatomegaly. The effects of PB (80 mg/kg/4 days) and chlordane (10 mg/kg/4 days) were investigated in double humanized PXR and CAR (huPXR/huCAR), double knockout PXR and CAR (PXRKO/CARKO), and wild-type (WT) C57BL/6J mice. In WT mice, both compounds caused increased liver weight, hepatocellular hypertrophy, and cell proliferation. Both compounds caused alterations to a number of cell cycle genes consistent with induction of cell proliferation in WT mice. However, these gene expression changes did not occur in PXRKO/CARKO or huPXR/huCAR mice. Liver hypertrophy without hyperplasia was demonstrated in the huPXR/huCAR animals in response to both compounds. Induction of the CAR and PXR target genes, Cyp2b10 and Cyp3a11, was observed in both WT and huPXR/huCAR mouse lines following treatment with PB or chlordane. In the PXRKO/CARKO mice, neither liver growth nor induction of Cyp2b10 and Cyp3a11 was seen following PB or chlordane treatment, indicating that these effects are CAR/PXR dependent. These data suggest that the human receptors are able to support the chemically induced hypertrophic responses but not the hyperplastic (cell proliferation) responses. At this time, we cannot be certain that hCAR and hPXR when expressed in the mouse can function exactly as the genes do when they are expressed in human cells. However, all parameters investigated to date suggest that much of their functionality is maintained.
Unter Arbeit wird das Tätigsein des Menschen verstanden, bei dem dieser mit anderen Menschen und (technischen) Hilfsmitteln in Interaktion tritt, um unter wirtschaftlichen Zielsetzungen Güter und Dienstleistungen zu erstellen (Luczak, 1998a). Arbeit dient direkt oder indirekt der Erhaltung der eigenen Existenz und der Existenz der Gesellschaft. Arbeit ist deshalb eine besondere Form des Tätigseins neben anderen wie Spiel, Sport, Lemen usw.
Obesity-induced overexpression of miR-802 impairs glucose metabolism through silencing of Hnf1b
Due to the increasing complexity of software projects, software development is becoming more and more dependent on teams. The quality of this teamwork can vary depending on the team composition, as teams are always a combination of different skills and personality types. This paper aims to answer the question of how to describe a software development team and what influence the personality of the team members has on the team dynamics. For this purpose, a systematic literature review (n=48) and a literature search with the AI research assistant Elicit (n=20) were conducted. Result: A person’s personality significantly shapes his or her thinking and actions, which in turn influences his or her behavior in software development teams. It has been shown that team performance and satisfaction can be strongly influenced by personality. The quality of communication and the likelihood of conflict can also be attributed to personality.
Many of today’s factors make software development more and more complex, such as time pressure, new technologies, IT security risks, et cetera. Thus, a good preparation of current as well as future software developers in terms of a good software engineering education becomes progressively important. As current research shows, Competence Developing Games (CDGs) and Serious Games can offer a potential solution.
This paper identifies the necessary requirements for CDGs to be conducive in principle, but especially in software engineering (SE) education. For this purpose, the current state of research was summarized in the context of a literature review. Afterwards, some of the identified requirements as well as some additional requirements were evaluated by a survey in terms of subjective relevance.