Year of publication
Document Type
- Article (13)
- Conference Proceeding (3)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Patent (1)
- Report (1)
- CellDrum (2)
- Bioreaktor (1)
- Blutzellenlagerung (1)
- Cardiac myocytes (1)
- Cardiac tissue (1)
- Cell permeability (1)
- Cellular force (1)
- Computational biomechanics (1)
- Contractile tension (1)
- Drug simulation (1)
Background/Aims: Common systems for the quantification of cellular contraction rely on animal-based models, complex experimental setups or indirect approaches. The herein presented CellDrum technology for testing mechanical tension of cellular monolayers and thin tissue constructs has the potential to scale-up mechanical testing towards medium-throughput analyses. Using hiPS-Cardiac Myocytes (hiPS-CMs) it represents a new perspective of drug testing and brings us closer to personalized drug medication. Methods: In the present study, monolayers of self-beating hiPS-CMs were grown on ultra-thin circular silicone membranes and deflect under the weight of the culture medium. Rhythmic contractions of the hiPS-CMs induced variations of the membrane deflection. The recorded contraction-relaxation-cycles were analyzed with respect to their amplitudes, durations, time integrals and frequencies. Besides unstimulated force and tensile stress, we investigated the effects of agonists and antagonists acting on Ca²⁺ channels (S-Bay K8644/verapamil) and Na⁺ channels (veratridine/lidocaine). Results: The measured data and simulations for pharmacologically unstimulated contraction resembled findings in native human heart tissue, while the pharmacological dose-response curves were highly accurate and consistent with reference data. Conclusion: We conclude that the combination of the CellDrum with hiPS-CMs offers a fast, facile and precise system for pharmacological, toxicological studies and offers new preclinical basic research potential.
A new in vitro tool to investigate cardiac contractility under physiological mechanical conditions
The discovery of human induced pluripotent stem cells reprogrammed from somatic cells [1] and their ability to differentiate into cardiomyocytes (hiPSC-CMs) has provided a robust platform for drug screening [2]. Drug screenings are essential in the development of new components, particularly for evaluating the potential of drugs to induce life-threatening pro-arrhythmias. Between 1988 and 2009, 14 drugs have been removed from the market for this reason [3]. The microelectrode array (MEA) technique is a robust tool for drug screening as it detects the field potentials (FPs) for the entire cell culture. Furthermore, the propagation of the field potential can be examined on an electrode basis. To analyze MEA measurements in detail, we have developed an open-source tool.
The invention pertains to a CellDrum electrode arrangement for measuring mechanical stress, comprising a mechanical holder (1 ) and a non-conductive membrane (4), whereby the membrane (4) is at least partially fixed at its circumference to the mechanical holder (1), keeping it in place when the membrane (4) may bend due to forces acting on the membrane (4), the mechanical holder (1) and the membrane (4) forming a container, whereby the membrane (1) within the container comprises an cell- membrane compound layer or biological material (3) adhered to the deformable membrane 4 which in response to stimulation by an agent may exert mechanical stress to the membrane (4) such that the membrane bending stage changes whereby the container may be filled with an electrolyte, whereby an electric contact (2) is arranged allowing to contact said electrolyte when filled into to the container, whereby within a predefined geometry to the fixing of the membrane (4) an electrode (7) is arranged, whereby the electrode (7) is electrically insulated with respect to the electric contact (2) as well as said electrolyte, whereby mechanical stress due to an agent may be measured as a change in capacitance.
We present an electromechanically coupled computational model for the investigation of a thin cardiac tissue construct consisting of human-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived atrial, ventricular and sinoatrial cardiomyocytes. The mechanical and electrophysiological parts of the finite element model, as well as their coupling are explained in detail. The model is implemented in the open source finite element code Code_Aster and is employed for the simulation of a thin circular membrane deflected by a monolayer of autonomously beating, circular, thin cardiac tissue. Two cardio-active drugs, S-Bay K8644 and veratridine, are applied in experiments and simulations and are investigated with respect to their chronotropic effects on the tissue. These results demonstrate the potential of coupled micro- and macroscopic electromechanical models of cardiac tissue to be adapted to experimental results at the cellular level. Further model improvements are discussed taking into account experimentally measurable quantities that can easily be extracted from the obtained experimental results. The goal is to estimate the potential to adapt the presented model to sample specific cell cultures.
The carbonized rice husk (CRH) was evaluated for its wound healing activity in rats using excision models. In this study, the influences of CRH on wound healing in rat skin in vivo and cellular behavior of human dermal fibroblasts in vitro were investigated. The obtained results showed that the CRH treatment promoted wound epithelization in rats and exhibited moderate inhibition of cell proliferation in vitro. CRH with lanolin oil treated wounds were found to epithelize faster as compared to controls.
The importance of the availability of stored blood or blood cells, respectively, for urgent transfusion cannot be overestimated. Nowadays, blood storage becomes even more important since blood products are used for epidemiological studies, bio-technical research or banked for transfusion purposes. Thus blood samples must not only be processed, stored, and shipped to preserve their efficacy and safety, but also all parameters of storage must be recorded and reported for Quality Assurance. Therefore, blood banks and clinical research facilities are seeking more accurate, automated means for blood storage and blood processing.
Plant physiology and plant stress: Plant physiology will be much more important for human mankind because of yield and cultivation limits of crops determined by their resistance to stress. To assess and counteract various stress factors it is necessary to conduct plant research to gain information and results on plant physiology.
The demand of replacements for inoperable organs exceeds the amount of available organ transplants. Therefore, tissue engineering developed as a multidisciplinary field of research for autologous in-vitro organs. Such three dimensional tissue constructs request the application of a bioreactor. The UREPLACE bioreactor is used to grow cells on tubular collagen scaffolds OPTIMAIX Sponge 1 with a maximal length of 7 cm, in order to culture in vitro an adequate ureter replacement. With a rotating unit, (urothelial) cells can be placed homogeneously on the inner scaffold surface. Furthermore, a stimulation is combined with this bioreactor resulting in an orientation of muscle cells. These culturing methods request a precise control of several parameters and actuators. A combination of a LabBox and the suitable software LabVision is used to set and conduct parameters like rotation angles, velocities, pressures and other important cell culture values. The bioreactor was tested waterproof successfully. Furthermore, the temperature controlling was adjusted to 37 °C and the CO2 - concentration regulated to 5 %. Additionally, the pH step responses of several substances showed a perfect functioning of the designed flow chamber. All used software was tested and remained stable for several days.