Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (8)
- Article (1)
- Part of a Book (1)
Is part of the Bibliography
- no (10)
Because of its minor environmental impact, electricity generation using wind power is getting remarkable. The further growth of the wind industry depends on technological solutions to the challenges in production and construction of the turbines. Wind turbine tower vibrations, which limit power generation efficiency and cause fatigue problems with high maintenance costs, count as one of the main structural difficulties in the wind energy sector. To mitigate tower vibrations auxiliary measures are necessary. The effectiveness of tuned mass damper is verified by means of a numeric study on a 5 MW onshore reference wind turbine. Hereby, also seismic-induced vibrations and soil–structure interaction are considered. Acquired results show that tuned mass damper can effectively reduce resonant tower vibrations and improve the fatigue life of wind turbines. This chapter is also concerned with tuned liquid column damper and a semiactive application of it. Due to its geometric versatility and low prime costs, tuned liquid column dampers are a good alternative to other damping measures, in particular for slender structures like wind turbines.
Multi-dimensional fragility analysis of a RC building with components using response surface method
Conventional fragility curves describe the vulnerability of the main structure under external hazards. However, in complex structures such as nuclear power plants, the safety or the risk depends also on the components associated with a system. The classical fault tree analysis gives an overall view of the failure and contains several subsystems to the main event, however, the interactions in the subsystems are not well represented. In order to represent the interaction of the components, a method suggested by Cimellaro et al. (2006) using multidimensional performance limit state functions to obtain the system fragility curves is adopted. This approach gives the possibility of deriving the cumulative fragility taking into account the interaction of the response of different components. In this paper, this approach is used to evaluate seismic risk of a representative electrical building infrastructure, including the component, of a nuclear power plant. A simplified model of the structure, with nonlinear material behavior is employed for the analysis in Abaqus©. The input variables considered are the material parameters, boundary conditions and the seismic input. The variability of the seismic input is obtained from selected ground motion time histories of spectrum compatible synthetic ccelerograms. Unlike the usual Monte Carlo methods used for the probabilistic analysis of the structure, a computationally effective response surface method is used. This method reduces the computational effort of the calculations by reducing the required
number of samples.