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- no (98)
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- Conference: Meeting Abstract (43)
- Article (34)
- Conference Proceeding (9)
- Patent (6)
- Part of a Book (5)
- Review (1)
- A. succinogenes (1)
- ABE (1)
- Acid crash (1)
- Adsorbentien (1)
- Adsorption (1)
- Bioethanol (1)
- Biorefinery (1)
- Butanol (1)
- C. acetobutylicum (1)
- Enzymatischer Ligninabbau (1)
Perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne) is an underutilized lignocellulosic biomass that has several benefits such as high availability, renewability, and biomass yield. The grass press-juice obtained from the mechanical pretreatment can be used for the bio-based production of chemicals. Lactic acid is a platform chemical that has attracted consideration due to its broad area of applications. For this reason, the more sustainable production of lactic acid is expected to increase. In this work, lactic acid was produced using complex medium at the bench- and reactor scale, and the results were compared to those obtained using an optimized press-juice medium. Bench-scale fermentations were carried out in a pH-control system and lactic acid production reached approximately 21.84 ± 0.95 g/L in complex medium, and 26.61 ± 1.2 g/L in press-juice medium. In the bioreactor, the production yield was 0.91 ± 0.07 g/g, corresponding to a 1.4-fold increase with respect to the complex medium with fructose. As a comparison to the traditional ensiling process, the ensiling of whole grass fractions of different varieties harvested in summer and autumn was performed. Ensiling showed variations in lactic acid yields, with a yield up to 15.2% dry mass for the late-harvested samples, surpassing typical silage yields of 6–10% dry mass.
Enhancement of succinic acid production by Actinobacillus succinogenes in an electro-bioreactor
This work examines the electrochemically enhanced production of succinic acid using the bacterium Actinobacillus succinogenes. The principal objective is to enhance the metabolic potential of glucose and CO2 utilization via the C4 pathway in order to synthesize succinic acid. We report on the development of an electro-bioreactor system to increase succinic acid production in a power-2-X approach. The use of activated carbon fibers as electrode surfaces and contact areas allows A. succinogenes to self-initiate biofilm formation. The integration of an electrical potential into the system shifts the redox balance from NAD+ to NADH, increasing the efficiency of metabolic processes. Mediators such as neutral red facilitate electron transfer within the system and optimize the redox reactions that are crucial for increased succinic acid production. Furthermore, the role of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in electron transfer was investigated. The electro-bioreactor system developed here was operated in batch mode for 48 h and showed improvements in succinic acid yield and concentration. In particular, a run with 100 µM neutral red and a voltage of −600 mV achieved a yield of 0.7 gsuccinate·gglucose−1. In the absence of neutral red, a higher yield of 0.72 gsuccinate·gglucose−1 was achieved, which represents an increase of 14% compared to the control. When a potential of −600 mV was used in conjunction with 500 µg∙L−1 CNTs, a 21% increase in succinate concentration was observed after 48 h. An increase of 33% was achieved in the same batch by increasing the stirring speed. These results underscore the potential of the electro-bioreactor system to markedly enhance succinic acid production.
High gradient magnetic separation (HGMS) has been established since the early 1970s. A more recent application of these systems is the use in bioprocesses. To integrate the HGMS in a fermentation process, it is necessary to optimize the separation matrix with regard to the magnetic separation characteristics and permeability of the non-magnetizable components of the fermentation broth. As part of the work presented here, a combined fluidic and magnetic force finite element model simulation was created using the software COMSOL Multiphysics and compared with separation experiments. Finally, as optimal lattice orientation of the separation matrix, a transversal rhombohedral arrangement was defined. The high suitability of the new filter matrix has been verified by separation experiments.
Biotechnological downstream processing is usually an elaborate procedure, requiring a multitude of unit operations to isolate the target component. Besides the disadvantageous space-time yield, the risks of cross-contaminations and product loss grow fast with the complexity of the isolation procedure. A significant reduction of unit operations can be achieved by application of magnetic particles, especially if these are functionalized with affinity ligands. As magnetic susceptible materials are highly uncommon in biotechnological processes, target binding and selective separation of such particles from fermentation or reactions broths can be done in a single step. Since the magnetizable particles can be produced from iron salts and low priced polymers, a single-use implementation of these systems is highly conceivable. In this article, the principles of magnetizable particles, their synthesis and functionalization are explained. Furthermore, applications in the area of reaction engineering, microfluidics and downstream processing are discussed focusing on established single-use technologies and development potential.
Lignocellulosic biorefinery: Process integration of hydrolysis and fermentation (SSF process)
The aim of the present work is the process integration and the optimization of the enzymatic hydrolysis of wood and the following fermentation of the products to ethanol. The substrate is a fiber fraction obtained by organosolv pre-treatment of beech wood. For the ethanol production, a co-fermentation by two different yeasts (Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pachysolen tannophilus) was carried out to convert glucose as well as xylose. Two approaches has been followed: 1. A two step process, in which the hydrolysis of the fiber fraction and the fermentation to product are separated from each other. 2. A process, in which the hydrolysis and the fermentation are carried out in one single process step as simultaneous saccharification and fermentation (SSF). Following the first approach, a yield of about 0.15 g ethanol per gram substrate can be reached. Based on the SSF, one process step can be saved, and additionally, the gained yield can be raised up to 0.3 g ethanol per gram substrate.
Paracoccus denitrificans for the effluent recycling during continuous denitrification of liquid food
Nitrate is an undesirable component of several foods. A typical case of contamination with high nitrate contents is whey concentrate, containing nitrate in concentrations up to 25 l. The microbiological removal of nitrate by Paracoccus denitrificans under formation of harmless nitrogen in combination with a cell retention reactor is described here. Focus lies on the resource-conserving design of a microbal denitrification process. Two methods are compared. The application of polyvinyl alcohol-immobilized cells, which can be applied several times in whey feed, is compared with the implementation of a two step denitrification system. First, the whey concentrate's nitrate is removed by ion exchange and subsequently the eluent regenerated by microorganisms under their retention by crossflow filtration. Nitrite and nitrate concentrations were determined by reflectometric color measurement with a commercially available Reflectoquant® device. Correction factors for these media had to be determined. During the pilot development, bioreactors from 4 to 250 mg·L-1 and crossflow units with membrane areas from 0.02 to 0.80 m2 were examined. Based on the results of the pilot plants, a scaling for the exemplary process of denitrifying 1,000 tons per day is discussed.
Grassilage stellt einen nachwachsenden Rohstoff mit großem Potenzial dar. Neben Cellulose und Hemicellulose enthält sie auch organische Säuren, insbesondere Milchsäure. In einem Bioraffinerie-Projekt wird die Milchsäure aus der Silage isoliert und mit gentechnisch optimierten Stämmen zu L-Lysin weiterverarbeitet. Die Lignocellulose wird hydrolysiert und zu Ethanol fermentiert. Ein besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf der Integration der unterschiedlichen Prozesse sowie der einzelnen Prozessschritte zu einem Gesamtprozess, der sämtliche Inhaltsstoffe der Silage verwertet.
Ein viel versprechender erneuerbarer Rohstoff für die Produktion von Chemikalien und Treibstoffen ist Lignocellulose aus pflanzlicher Biomasse. Die darin enthaltenen Zucker können mittels enzymatischer Hydrolyse freigesetzt und fermentativ zu Ethanol umgesetzt werden. Ein interessanter Ansatz ist dabei die simultane Verzuckerung und Fermentation. Hefen und Enzyme haben mit 30 °C bzw. 50 °C zwar unterschiedliche Temperaturoptima, es konnte aber gezeigt werden, dass auch bei den niedrigeren Temperaturen eine Umsetzung der Cellulose zu Glucose erfolgt, wenn auch langsamer als bei optimalen Bedingungen. Außerdem konnte in Vorversuchen gezeigt werden, dass Ethanol in den zu erwartenden Konzentrationen keinen Einfluss auf die enzymatische Umsetzung hat.
Bei der Stärkeproduktion entstehendes Kartoffelfruchtwasser besitzt mit 2 – 3 % einen hohen Anteil an ernährungsphysiologisch interessanten Proteinen. Die industrielle Gewinnung dieser Proteinfracht liefert jedoch lediglich ein minderwertiges, denaturiertes Produkt. Mit Hilfe der Membranadsorber-Technologie lassen sich aus Kartoffelfruchtwasser unter milden Reaktionsbedingungen native bioaktive Proteinfraktionen gewinnen. Geeignete Trennbedingungen wurden im Labormaßstab entwickelt und in den Technikumsmaßstab übertragen. An Anionenaustauscher-Membranadsorbern mit einer Membranfläche von 10 000 cm2 wurde eine Patatinhaltige Fraktion (44 kDa) mit Bindungskapazitäten von 0,37 mg/cm2 isoliert. Eine niedermolekulare Proteinfraktion mit Protease-Inhibitoren konnte durch Kationenaustauscher-Membranadsorber mit Bindungskapazitäten von 1,00 mg/cm2 gewonnen werden. Sie ist für verschiedenste Applikationen in der pharmazeutischen, kosmetischen und der Nahrungsmittelindustrie interessant z. B. für Appetitzügler oder muskelaufbauende Proteinpräparate. Der Aufreinigung der nativen Proteinfraktionen durch Ultra-/Diafiltration schließt sich die Konfektionierung durch Sprühtrocknung an. Die bioanalytische Charakterisierung der Produkte belegt die Reinheit und die enzymatische Aktivität sowie die Abreicherung von Störkomponenten wie Glykoalkaloide und Polyphenoloxidasen.
Due to the interfering effects of acetic acid in many fermentation processes, a gas-diffusion technique was developed for the online determination of acetic acid. The measurements were accomplished with a flow diffusion analysis (FDA) unit from the TRACE Analytics GmbH, Braunschweig, Germany. The diffusion analysis is based on the UV-absorbance of acetic acid at 205 nm. The measurement was achieved by the separation of an acceptor and a carrier stream (acidified fermentation broth) using a gas permeable polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) membrane, whereby broth constituents that would otherwise disturb the UV-measurement of acetic acid, are held back efficiently. Merely, the fermentation by-products, e.g. formic acid, is capable of diffusing through the membrane. While formic acid can disturb the measurement, carbon dioxide does not absorb at 205 nm. The method operates with time-dependent sample enrichment. During the analysis, a small volume of the acceptor stream is stopped for a defined time interval in the acceptor chamber. During this period, the gaseous acetic acid diffuses through the membrane and is enriched in the acceptor chamber. Subsequently after the enrichment, the acceptor stream flows through a UV-detector. The intensity of the signal is proportional to the acetic acid concentration. Online measurements in bioreactors via a sterile filtration probe have been accomplished. A linear calibration in the range of 0.5–5.0 g/L acetic acid with a relative standard deviation of <5 % was obtained. A sampling rate of 8 samples per hour was possible. The system was applied for the determination of acetic acid in E. coli fermentation broth. The instrument is easy to clean, very user-friendly and does not require any toxic or expensive reagents.