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- no (8)
- English (8)
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- Article (6)
- Conference Proceeding (2)
On-line monitoring of the metabolic activity of microorganisms involved in intermediate stages of biogas production plays an important role to avoid undesirable “down times” during the biogas production. In order to control this process, an on-chip differential measuring system based on the light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) principle combined with a 3D-printed multi-chamber structure has been realized. As a test microorganism, Escherichia coli K12 (E. coli K12) were used for cell-based measurements. Multi-chamber structures were developed to determine the metabolic activity of E. coli K12 in suspension for a different number of cells, responding to the addition of a constant or variable amount of glucose concentrations, enabling differential and simultaneous measurements.
A light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) is a field-effect-based potentiometric sensor with an electrolyte/insulator/semiconductor (EIS) structure, which is able to monitor analyte concentrations of (bio-)chemical species in aqueous solutions in a spatially resolved way. Therefore, it is also an appropriate tool to record 2D-chemical images of concentration variations on the sensor surface. In the present work, two differential, LAPS-based measurement principles are introduced to determine the metabolic activity of Escherichia coli (E. coli) K12 and Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells as test microorganisms. Hereby, we focus on i) the determination of the extracellular acidification rate (ΔpH/min) after adding glucose solutions to the cell suspensions; and ii) recording the amplitude increase of the photocurrent (Iph) related to the produced acids from E. coli K12 bacteria and CHO cells on the sensor surface by 2D-chemical imaging. For this purpose, 3D-printed multi-chamber structures were developed and mounted on the planar sensor-chip surface to define four independent compartments, enabling differential measurements with varying cell concentrations. The differential concept allows eliminating unwanted drift effects and, with the four-chamber structures, measurements on the different cell concentrations were performed simultaneously, thus reducing also the overall measuring time.
Semiconductor-based chemical imaging sensors, like the light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) or the pH-imaging sensor based on a charge-coupled device (CCD), are becoming a powerful tool for label-free imaging of biological phenomena. We have proposed a polyion-based enzymatic membrane to develop an acetylcholine (ACh) imaging sensor for neural cell-activity observations. In this study, a CCD-type ACh-imaging sensor and a LAPS-type ACh-imaging sensor were fabricated and the prospect of both sensors was clarified by making a comparison of their basic characteristics.
Multimodal bioimage sensor
To visualize the biochemical distribution two-dimensionally, we invented a solid-state-type ion image sensor that indicates the chemical activity of solutions and cells. The device, which consists of a CCD array covered with a functionalized membrane to detect charge accumulation, is highly sensitive to changes in the concentration and two-dimensional distribution of ions and biomaterials.
The metabolic activity of Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells was observed using a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS). The dependency toward different glucose concentrations (17–200 mM) follows a Michaelis–Menten kinetics trajectory with Kₘ = 32.8 mM, and the obtained Kₘ value in this experiment was compared with that found in literature. In addition, the pH shift induced by glucose metabolism of tumor cells transfected with the HPV-16 genome (C3 cells) was successfully observed. These results indicate the possibility to determine the tumor cells metabolism with a LAPS-based measurement device.
A new microfluidic assembly method for semiconductor-based biosensors using 3D-printing technologies was proposed for a rapid and cost-efficient design of new sensor systems. The microfluidic unit is designed and printed by a 3D-printer in just a few hours and assembled on a light-addressable potentiometric sensor (LAPS) chip using a photo resin. The cell growth curves obtained from culturing cells within microfluidics-based LAPS systems were compared with cell growth curves in cell culture flasks to examine biocompatibility of the 3D-printed chips. Furthermore, an optimal cell culturing within microfluidics-based LAPS chips was achieved by adjusting the fetal calf serum concentrations of the cell culture medium, an important factor for the cell proliferation.