Document Type
- Article (12)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- frequency mixing magnetic detection (3)
- biosensors (2)
- magnetic nanoparticles (2)
- Bioabsorbable (1)
- Capacitive field-effect sensor (1)
- Capacitive model (1)
- Choleratoxin B (1)
- Enzyme coverage (1)
- Field-effect biosensor (1)
- Gold nanoparticles (1)
In comparison to single-analyte devices, multiplexed systems for a multianalyte detection offer a reduced assay time and sample volume, low cost, and high throughput. Herein, a multiplexing platform for an automated quasi-simultaneous characterization of multiple (up to 16) capacitive field-effect sensors by the capacitive–voltage (C–V) and the constant-capacitance (ConCap) mode is presented. The sensors are mounted in a newly designed multicell arrangement with one common reference electrode and are electrically connected to the impedance analyzer via the base station. A Python script for the automated characterization of the sensors executes the user-defined measurement protocol. The developed multiplexing system is tested for pH measurements and the label-free detection of ligand-stabilized, charged gold nanoparticles.
In this work, the bioabsorbable materials, namely fibroin, polylactide acid (PLA), magnesium and magnesium oxide are investigated for their application as transient, resistive temperature detectors (RTD). For this purpose, a thin-film magnesium-based meander-like electrode is deposited onto a flexible, bioabsorbable substrate (fibroin or PLA) and encapsulated (passivated) by additional magnesium oxide layers on top and below the magnesium-based electrode. The morphology of different layered RTDs is analyzed by scanning electron microscopy. The sensor performance and lifetime of the RTD is characterized both under ambient atmospheric conditions between 30°C and 43°C, and wet tissue-like conditions with a constant temperature regime of 37°C. The latter triggers the degradation process of the magnesium-based layers. The 3-layers RTDs on a PLA substrate could achieve a lifetime of 8.5 h. These sensors also show the best sensor performance under ambient atmospheric conditions with a mean sensitivity of 0.48 Ω/°C ± 0.01 Ω/°C.
Herein, fibroin, polylactide (PLA), and carbon are investigated for their suitability as biocompatible and biodegradable materials for amperometric biosensors. For this purpose, screen-printed carbon electrodes on the biodegradable substrates fibroin and PLA are modified with a glucose oxidase membrane and then encapsulated with the biocompatible material Ecoflex. The influence of different curing parameters of the carbon electrodes on the resulting biosensor characteristics is studied. The morphology of the electrodes is investigated by scanning electron microscopy, and the biosensor performance is examined by amperometric measurements of glucose (0.5–10 mM) in phosphate buffer solution, pH 7.4, at an applied potential of 1.2 V versus a Ag/AgCl reference electrode. Instead of Ecoflex, fibroin, PLA, and wound adhesive are tested as alternative encapsulation compounds: a series of swelling tests with different fibroin compositions, PLA, and Ecoflex has been performed before characterizing the most promising candidates by chronoamperometry. Therefore, the carbon electrodes are completely covered with the particular encapsulation material. Chronoamperometric measurements with H2O2 concentrations between 0.5 and 10 mM enable studying the leakage current behavior.
Die qualitative und quantitative Detektion von Zielsubstanzen innerhalb einer wässrigen Probe ist für viele Fragestellungen von Interesse, etwa bei der Detektion von Kontaminationen in Trinkwasser in Krisensituationen. Hierbei ist es nicht nur wichtig, dass Pathogene möglichst sensitiv detektiert werden können, sondern auch, dass die Analyse schnell erfolgt, um Betroffenen im Katastrophenfall zügig sicheres Trinkwasser zu Verfügung stellen zu können. Da bei einem solchen Szenario nicht von einer in der Nähe befindlichen funktionierenden Laborinfrastruktur ausgegangen werden kann, ist es wichtig, dass die Messung direkt vor Ort erfolgen kann. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurde untersucht, ob eine derartige Schnellanalytik mithilfe von superparamagnetischen Beads (MBs) und der magnetischen Frequenzmischtechnik möglich ist. Dabei werden die MBs mit Hilfe von primären Antikörpern an die Zielsubstanz gebunden und mit sekundären Antikörpern an die Poren-Oberfläche eines Polyethylen-Filters fixiert (Sandwich-Immunoassay). So kann die Quantifizierung der Zielsubstanz auf eine magnetische Messung der immobilisierten MB-Marker zurückgeführt werden. Die magnetische Frequenzmischtechnik basiert auf der Anregung der Probe mit Magnetfeldern zweier verschiedener Frequenzen. Die durch die nichtlineare Magnetisierungsform der superparamagnetischen MBs entstehenden Mischfrequenzen werden typischerweise mithilfe einer zweistufigen Lock-in-Detektion analysiert (analoge Demodulation), die in einem Magnetreader als Handheldgerät realisiert wurde. Zusätzlich zu dieser Technik wurde das Prinzip der direkten Digitalisierung des gesamten Antwortsignals mit anschließender Fourier-Analyse der erzeugten Mischfrequenzen experimentell umgesetzt, um die Amplituden und Phasen mehrerer Mischfrequenzen simultan zu erfassen. Eine Möglichkeit zur Sensitivitätssteigerung ist die magnetische Aufkonzentration, indem vor der magnetischen Analyse eine Separation der MBs aus einem größeren Probenvolumen mittels magnetischem Feldgradienten durchgeführt wird. Zur Charakterisierung verschiedener kommerzieller MBs hinsichtlich ihrer magnetischen Separierbarkeit wurde ein Aufbau zur Messung ihrer magnetophoretischen Beweglichkeiten realisiert und ihre Geschwindigkeiten im Gradientenfeld mikroskopisch gemessen.Da eine Probe oftmals nicht nur auf eine einzige Zielsubstanz, sondern simultan auf mehrere verschiedene Pathogene hin untersucht werden soll, wurden verschiedene Ansätze entwickelt und getestet, die einen solchen multiparametrischen magnetischen Immunoassay ermöglichen. Einerseits wurde eine räumliche Separation der Bindungsbereiche für verschiedene Zielsubstanzen realisiert, die sequentiell ausgewertet werden können. Andererseits wurde die Unterscheidung von verschiedenen Zielsubstanzen anhand der Charakteristika der an sie gebundenen, verschieden funktionalisierten MB-Typen untersucht. Für eine solche Unterscheidung wurde zum einen die Anregefrequenz der magnetischen Frequenzmischtechnik während einer Messung variiert. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich verschiedene MB-Sorten anhand der Phase ihrer Frequenzmischsignale voneinander unterscheiden lassen. Weiterhin wurde gezeigt, dass sich der Signalverlauf einer binären Mischung zweier verschiedener MB-Typen als gradueller Übergang der Verläufe der beiden reinen MB-Lösungen ergibt. Eine weitere Analysemethode für einen multiparametrischen Immunoassay besteht darin, ein zusätzliches einstellbares statisches magnetisches Offsetfeld zu verwenden. Hierfür wurden mehrere Aufbauten auf Basis von Permanent- und Elektromagneten simuliert, konstruiert und charakterisiert. Mithilfe von Simulationen konnte gezeigt werden, dass eine auf diesem Verfahren beruhende Unterscheidung für MBs mit unterschiedlichen magnetischen Partikelmomenten möglich ist. Als direkte Anwendung des hier entwickelten Magnetreaders in Zusammenspiel mit der digitalen Demodulation wurde ein magnetischer Assay gegen die B-Untereinheit des Choleratoxins in Trinkwasser mit einem niedrigen Detektionslimit von 0,2 ng/ml demonstriert.
Electrolyte-insulator-semiconductor capacitors (EISCAP) belong to field-effect sensors having an attractive transducer architecture for constructing various biochemical sensors. In this study, a capacitive model of enzyme-modified EISCAPs has been developed and the impact of the surface coverage of immobilized enzymes on its capacitance-voltage and constant-capacitance characteristics was studied theoretically and experimentally. The used multicell arrangement enables a multiplexed electrochemical characterization of up to sixteen EISCAPs. Different enzyme coverages have been achieved by means of parallel electrical connection of bare and enzyme-covered single EISCAPs in diverse combinations. As predicted by the model, with increasing the enzyme coverage, both the shift of capacitance-voltage curves and the amplitude of the constant-capacitance signal increase, resulting in an enhancement of analyte sensitivity of the EISCAP biosensor. In addition, the capability of the multicell arrangement with multi-enzyme covered EISCAPs for sequentially detecting multianalytes (penicillin and urea) utilizing the enzymes penicillinase and urease has been experimentally demonstrated and discussed.
This study addresses a proof-of-concept experiment with a biocompatible screen-printed carbon electrode deposited onto a biocompatible and biodegradable substrate, which is made of fibroin, a protein derived from silk of the Bombyx mori silkworm. To demonstrate the sensor performance, the carbon electrode is functionalized as a glucose biosensor with the enzyme glucose oxidase and encapsulated with a silicone rubber to ensure biocompatibility of the contact wires. The carbon electrode is fabricated by means of thick-film technology including a curing step to solidify the carbon paste. The influence of the curing temperature and curing time on the electrode morphology is analyzed via scanning electron microscopy. The electrochemical characterization of the glucose biosensor is performed by amperometric/voltammetric measurements of different glucose concentrations in phosphate buffer. Herein, systematic studies at applied potentials from 500 to 1200 mV to the carbon working electrode (vs the Ag/AgCl reference electrode) allow to determine the optimal working potential. Additionally, the influence of the curing parameters on the glucose sensitivity is examined over a time period of up to 361 days. The sensor shows a negligible cross-sensitivity toward ascorbic acid, noradrenaline, and adrenaline. The developed biocompatible biosensor is highly promising for future in vivo and epidermal applications.
For performing point-of-care molecular diagnostics, magnetic immunoassays constitute a promising alternative to established enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) because they are fast, robust and sensitive. Simultaneous detection of multiple biomolecular targets from one body fluid sample is desired. The aim of this work is to show that multiplex magnetic immunodetection based on magnetic frequency mixing by means of modular immunofiltration columns prepared for different targets is feasible. By calculations of the magnetic response signal, the required spacing between the modules was determined. Immunofiltration columns were manufactured by 3D printing and antibody immobilization was performed in a batch approach. It was shown experimentally that two different target molecules in a sample solution could be individually detected in a single assaying step with magnetic measurements of the corresponding immobilization filters. The arrangement order of the filters and of a negative control did not influence the results. Thus, a simple and reliable approach to multi-target magnetic immunodetection was demonstrated.
Magnetic detection structure for Lab-on-Chip applications based on the frequency mixing technique
A magnetic frequency mixing technique with a set of miniaturized planar coils was investigated for use with a completely integrated Lab-on-Chip (LoC) pathogen sensing system. The system allows the detection and quantification of superparamagnetic beads. Additionally, in terms of magnetic nanoparticle characterization ability, the system can be used for immunoassays using the beads as markers. Analytical calculations and simulations for both excitation and pick-up coils are presented; the goal was to investigate the miniaturization of simple and cost-effective planar spiral coils. Following these calculations, a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) prototype was designed, manufactured, and tested for limit of detection, linear response, and validation of theoretical concepts. Using the magnetic frequency mixing technique, a limit of detection of 15 µg/mL of 20 nm core-sized nanoparticles was achieved without any shielding.
Sensitive and rapid detection of cholera toxin subunit B using magnetic frequency mixing detection
Cholera is a life-threatening disease caused by the cholera toxin (CT) as produced by some Vibrio cholerae serogroups. In this research we present a method which directly detects the toxin’s B subunit (CTB) in drinking water. For this purpose we performed a magnetic sandwich immunoassay inside a 3D immunofiltration column. We used two different commercially available antibodies to capture CTB and for binding to superparamagnetic beads. ELISA experiments were performed to select the antibody combination. The beads act as labels for the magnetic frequency mixing detection technique. We show that the limit of detection depends on the type of magnetic beads. A nonlinear Hill curve was fitted to the calibration measurements by means of a custom-written python software. We achieved a sensitive and rapid detection of CTB within a broad concentration range from 0.2 ng/ml to more
than 700 ng/ml.
The movement of magnetic beads due to a magnetic field gradient is of great interest in different application fields. In this report we present a technique based on a magnetic tweezers setup to measure the velocity factor of magnetically actuated individual superparamagnetic beads in a fluidic environment. Several beads can be tracked simultaneously in order to gain and improve statistics. Furthermore we show our results for different beads with hydrodynamic diameters between 200 and 1000 nm from diverse manufacturers. These measurement data can, for example, be used to determine design parameters for a magnetic separation system, like maximum flow rate and minimum separation time, or to select suitable beads for fixed experimental requirements.