Document Type
- Article (4)
- Part of a Book (1)
- Knochen (1)
- Knochenbildung (1)
- Knochenchirugie (1)
- Knochendichte (1)
- Schwammknochen (1)
- Strukturanalyse (1)
- Wolff's Law (1)
- Wolffsches Gesetz (1)
- biosensor (1)
- bone density (1)
An optimization method is developed to describe the mechanical behaviour of the human cancellous bone. The method is based on a mixture theory. A careful observation of the behaviour of the bone material leads to the hypothesis that the bone density is controlled by the principal stress trajectories (Wolff’s law). The basic idea of the developed method is the coupling of a scalar value via an eigenvalue problem to the principal stress trajectories. On the one hand this theory will permit a prediction of the reaction of the biological bone structure after the implantation of a prosthesis, on the other hand it may be useful in engineering optimization problems. An analytical example shows its efficiency.
Hybride Produktionssysteme
Während die virtuelle Produktentstehungskette große Gestaltungsfreiräume bietet, ist die reale Produktentstehungskette durch wesentlich mehr Randbedingungen gekennzeichnet, die nicht oder nur ansatzweise beeinflussbar sind. Die Realisierung des aus logistischer Sicht optimalen One-Piece-Flow bei gleichzeitiger Steigerung von Flexibilität und Produktivität sowie des Verschiebens der Grenze des technologisch Machbaren müssen in zukünftigen Forschungsansätzen gleichermaßen betrachtet werden. Die Grenzverschiebung auf Basis der Integration von Technologien ist dabei ein viel versprechender Ansatz, der es in vielen Fällen ermöglicht, in allen genannten Zielrichtungen gleichermaßen Potentiale zu erschließen.
Online-Messsysteme für die automatisierte Charakterisierung von feldeffektbasierten Biosensoren
Immunosorbent turnip vein clearing virus (TVCV) particles displaying the IgG-binding domains D and E of Staphylococcus aureus protein A (PA) on every coat protein (CP) subunit (TVCVPA) were purified from plants via optimized and new protocols. The latter used polyethylene glycol (PEG) raw precipitates, from which virions were selectively re-solubilized in reverse PEG concentration gradients. This procedure improved the integrity of both TVCVPA and the wild-type subgroup 3 tobamovirus. TVCVPA could be loaded with more than 500 IgGs per virion, which mediated the immunocapture of fluorescent dyes, GFP, and active enzymes. Bi-enzyme ensembles of cooperating glucose oxidase and horseradish peroxidase were tethered together on the TVCVPA carriers via a single antibody type, with one enzyme conjugated chemically to its Fc region, and the other one bound as a target, yielding synthetic multi-enzyme complexes. In microtiter plates, the TVCVPA-displayed sugar-sensing system possessed a considerably increased reusability upon repeated testing, compared to the IgG-bound enzyme pair in the absence of the virus. A high coverage of the viral adapters was also achieved on Ta2O5 sensor chip surfaces coated with a polyelectrolyte interlayer, as a prerequisite for durable TVCVPA-assisted electrochemical biosensing via modularly IgG-assembled sensor enzymes.