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As ultrahigh field cardiac MRI becomes more widespread in the (pre)clinical research arena the propensity of ECG recordings to interference from electromagnetic fields and magneto-hydrodynamic effects increases and with it the motivation for a practical gating/triggering alternative. This study compares the feasibility, efficacy and reliability phonocardiogram (ACT), vector electrocardiogram (VCG) and traditional pulse oximetry (pO2) triggered MRI for left ventricular function assessment at 7.0T. ACTs intrinsic insensitivity to interference from electro-magnetic fields and magneto-hydrodynamic effects results in an excellent trigger reliability and renders it suitable for global cardiac function assessment at ultrahigh magnetic field strengths.
At (ultra)high magnetic fields the artifact sensitivity of ECG recordings increases. This bears the risk of R-wave mis-registration which has been consistently reported for ECG triggered CMR at 7.0T. Realizing the constraints of conventional ECG, acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) has been proposed. The clinical ACT has not been carefully examined yet. For this reason, this work scrutinizes the suitability, accuracy and reproducibility of ACT for CMR at 7.0T. For this purpose, the trigger reliability and trigger detection variance are examined together with an qualitative and quantitative assessment of image quality of the heart at 7.0T.
To demonstrate the applicability of acoustic cardiac triggering (ACT) for imaging of the heart at ultrahigh magnetic fields (7.0 T) by comparing phonocardiogram, conventional vector electrocardiogram (ECG) and traditional pulse oximetry (POX) triggered 2D CINE acquisitions together with (i) a qualitative image quality analysis, (ii) an assessment of the left ventricular function parameter and (iii) an examination of trigger reliability and trigger detection variance derived from the signal waveforms.
ECG was susceptible to severe distortions at 7.0 T. POX and ACT provided waveforms free of interferences from electromagnetic fields or from magneto-hydrodynamic effects. Frequent R-wave mis-registration occurred in ECG-triggered acquisitions with a failure rate of up to 30% resulting in cardiac motion induced artifacts. ACT and POX triggering produced images free of cardiac motion artefacts. ECG showed a severe jitter in the R-wave detection. POX also showed a trigger jitter of approximately Δt = 72 ms which is equivalent to two cardiac phases. ACT showed a jitter of approximately Δt = 5 ms only. ECG waveforms revealed a standard deviation for the cardiac trigger offset larger than that observed for ACT or POX waveforms.
Image quality assessment showed that ACT substantially improved image quality as compared to ECG (image quality score at end-diastole: ECG = 1.7 ± 0.5, ACT = 2.4 ± 0.5, p = 0.04) while the comparison between ECG vs. POX gated acquisitions showed no significant differences in image quality (image quality score: ECG = 1.7 ± 0.5, POX = 2.0 ± 0.5, p = 0.34).
The applicability of acoustic triggering for cardiac CINE imaging at 7.0 T was demonstrated. ACT's trigger reliability and fidelity are superior to that of ECG and POX. ACT promises to be beneficial for cardiovascular magnetic resonance at ultra-high field strengths including 7.0 T.