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Die Batterie ist eine der absolut zentralen Komponenten des Elektrofahrzeugs. Die serielle Entwicklung und Produktion dieser Batterien und die Verbesserung der Leistungen wird entscheidend für den Erfolg der Elektromobilität sein. Die Batterie ist jedoch nicht das einzige elektrofahrzeugspezifische System, das neu entwickelt, umkonzipiert oder verbessert werden muss. So sind ebenso die Entwicklung der neuen Fahrzeugstruktur sowie des elektrifizierten Antriebsstranges Teil dieses Kapitels. Weiterhin wird ein Blick auf das bedeutende Thema des Thermomanagements geworfen.
Bead-on-plate butt joints of 2.5 mm hot rolled DP600/DP600 and 1.2 mm cold rolled TRIP700/TRIP700 steel sheets were performed using 6 kW CO2 laser beam welding. The welding speed ranged from 1.5 to 3.0 and from 2.1 to 3.9 m/min in DP/DP and TRIP/TRIP steel weldments respectively. A top surface helium gas was used as a shielding gas at a flow rate of 20 l/min. Metallographic examinations and transverse tensile testing (DIN EN 895: 1995) were carried out to characterize the weldments. The formability of base metals and weldments were investigated by standard Erichsen test (DIN EN ISO 20482). It was found that the uniaxial plastic behavior of both DP600 and TRIP700 base metals was in agreement with Swift and modified Mecking–Kocks models respectively. In a perpendicular tensile test to the weld line, all specimens were fractured at the base metal however the strengths were somewhat higher than those of base metal. There was a significant reduction in formability caused by welding of both DP/DP and TRIP/TRIP steel weldments and the formability has been improved with the increase of the welding speed.
The objectives of the present work are to characterize the Gas Metal Arc Welding process of DP 600 sheet steel and to summarize the modelling techniques. The time-temperature evolution during the welding cycle was measured experimentally and modelled with the softwaretool SimWeld. To model the phase transformations during the welding cycle dilatometer tests were done to quantify the parameters for phase field modelling by MICRESS®. The important input parameters are interface mobility, nucleation density, etc. A contribution was made to include austenite to bainite transformation in MICRESS®. This is useful to predict the microstructure in the fast cooling segments. The phase transformation model is capable to predict the microstructure along the heating and cooling cycles of welding. Tensile tests have shown the evidence of failure at the heat affected zone, which has the ferrite-tempered martensite microstructure.