ECSM European Center for Sustainable Mobility
Year of publication
- ECSM European Center for Sustainable Mobility (141)
- Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (77)
- Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (28)
- Fachbereich Energietechnik (16)
- Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Mechatronik (16)
- Solar-Institut Jülich (16)
- Kommission für Forschung und Entwicklung (14)
- Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen (11)
- Kommission für Planung und Finanzen (3)
- MASKOR Institut für Mobile Autonome Systeme und Kognitive Robotik (3)
Document Type
- Conference Proceeding (65)
- Article (54)
- Part of a Book (8)
- Patent (3)
- Report (3)
- Book (2)
- Conference: Meeting Abstract (2)
- Conference Poster (2)
- Contribution to a Periodical (1)
- Doctoral Thesis (1)
- Energy storage (4)
- Power plants (4)
- UAV (4)
- Associated liquids (3)
- Concentrated solar power (3)
- Hybrid energy system (3)
- Obstacle avoidance (3)
- Brake set-up (2)
- CO2 (2)
- Electricity generation (2)
Ziel der Bundesregierung ist es, die Treibhausgasemissionen bis zum Jahr 2030 um mindestens 55 % im Vergleich zum Jahr 1990 zu reduzieren. Um dieses Ziel zu erreichen, muss auch der Verkehrssektor einen wesentlichen Beitrag leisten. Das Radfahren als moderne und nachhaltige Mobilitätsform ist dabei ein wichtiger Bestandteil der angestrebten Mobilitätswende. Für die Steigerung der Attraktivität des Fahrradfahrens sind nicht nur der Aus- und Neubau der Radinfrastruktur von Bedeutung. Auch die dauerhafte Bereitstellung sicherer Radwege in einem guten baulichen Zustand ist unerlässlich. Voraussetzung dafür ist eine reproduzierbare Zustandserfassung und -bewertung der bestehenden Radverkehrsinfrastruktur als Basis für die effiziente Durchführung von baulichen Erhaltungsmaßnahmen. Grundlagen dafür werden im aktuell laufenden Forschungsprojekt „Erfassung und Bewertung des baulichen Zustandes von städtischen Radverkehrsanlagen“ erarbeitet, das im Forschungsprogramm Stadtverkehr (FoPS) vom Bundesministerium für Digitales und Verkehr gefördert wird. Auf Basis bautechnischer Begutachtungen wurden relevante Zustandsmerkmale zusammengestellt, die eine Bewertung des baulichen Zustandes von Radwegen, der Verkehrssicherheit und des Fahrkomforts ermöglichen. Die Ergebnisse fanden Eingang in die Entwicklung einer geeigneten Erfassungstechnik und den Aufbau eines Messfahrzeuges, das im September 2023 erstmals in verschiedenen Städten und Gemeinden zum Einsatz kam.
In recent years, the importance of the bicycle for everyday mobility has increased significantly in Germany. In order to increase the attractiveness of cycle traffic, the provision of safe cycle paths in a good structural condition is necessary in addition to the expansion and new construction of cycling infrastructure. Against this background, the Federal Ministry of Digital and Transport has been funding the research project “Recording and Assessment of the Structural Condition of Urban Cycle Paths” since September 2021. In cooperation with Schniering GmbH and the engineering office Feiler und Hänsel GbR, the University of Applied Sciences Aachen is working on the development of a suitable measurement and assessment procedure. The methods used so far in Germany to record and assess the condition of cycle paths are very much based on the established methods for road condition monitoring and assessment. However, the damage characteristics on cycle paths as well as their effects on road safety aspects, riding comfort and structural value preservation can only be compared with roads to a somewhat limited extent. For this reason, extensive structural assessments of cycle paths were carried out in the research project and a damage catalogue was developed for the recording and assessment of the condition of urban cycle paths. The relevant types of damage are assigned to the following characteristics groups: unevenness, rolling resistance, substance characteristics and vegetation. Based on the results, requirements for the measurement technology and its accuracy could be defined. The conceptual design of a measuring vehicle by the project partner Schniering GmbH will be completed this year and its use tested on various urban cycle paths.
Obstacle encounter probability dependent local path planner for UAV operation in urban environments
Unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) are well-suited for various short-distance missions in urban environments. However, the path planner of such UAV is constantly challenged with the choice between avoiding obstacles horizontally or vertically. If the path planner relies on sensor information only, i.e. the path planner is a local planner, usually predefined manoeuvres or preferences are used to find a possible way. However, this method is stiff and inflexible. This work proposes a probabilistic decision-maker to set the control parameters of a classic local path planner during a flight mission. The decision-maker defines whether performing horizontal or vertical avoidance is preferable based on the probability of encountering a given number of obstacles. Here, the decision-maker considers predictions of possible future avoidance manoeuvres. It also defines an ideal flight altitude based on the probability of encountering obstacles. This work analyses the building height of all European capital cities and the probability of encountering obstacles at different altitudes to feed the decision-maker. We tested the feasibility of the proposed decision-maker with the 3DVFH*, a commonly used local path planner, in multiple simulations. The proposed probabilistic decision-maker allows the local path planner to reach the goal point significantly more often than the standard version of the 3DVFH*.
Railway brake systems
This book offers a timely introduction to railway brake systems. It introduces operational aspects as well as a set of rail vehicle specific requirements, such as wheel-rail contact and rail vehicle dynamics. It discusses the process of brake control, in particular for automatic pneumatic brake system and brake systems for multiple units. In turn, the book gives insights into braking force generation, covering both friction brake systems and regenerative brakes. It also describes performance calculations, discussing concepts for brake systems design. Despite the focus is mainly on European braking systems, the book identifies key and general aspects, thus offering an inspiring reading for researchers and professionals that are active both inside and outside of Europe.
Lifting propellers operate at oblique inflow and thus encounter severe dynamic loads during forward flight, impacting structural integrity, fatigue, and vibration. Numerical optimisation approaches consider aerodynamic, structural mechanical, and aeroacoustic aspects within preliminary design. To also account for dynamic loads during forward flight, a novel procedure allows their rapid estimation. Based on steady-state simulations combining strip theory and beam finite elements, aerodynamic excitation, damping, and stiffness are defined in the frequency domain. Loads are derived through a linear inflow model and quasi-steady aerodynamics. Damping and stiffness loads are linearised and transferred into matrix form to calculate the frequency response. The computationally expensive need for simulations in the time domain is thus avoided. Applicability extends to both fixed and variable pitch lifting propellers utilised in large multicopters for cargo or passenger transportation. Comparisons to time-marching simulations show good agreement with deviations of approximately 10%. The analytical derivation yields physical insights to understand and reduce dynamic loads and their magnification due to resonance.
Assessment of aeroacoustic optimisation schemes for a tilt-propeller application in hover and cruise
Balancing propeller optimisation between cruise and hover conditions is a key challenge in eco-friendly aircraft design. This paper presents a novel multidisciplinary propeller optimisation approach, integrating blade element momentum theory and acoustic models. Three propeller design strategies are systematically evaluated in multidisciplinary propeller optimisation, considering aerodynamic efficiency and noise emissions. The design strategies and the optimisation scheme are assessed within the paper. A serial optimisation scheme improves the overall optimisation result and reduces the optimisation time significantly. In the serial approach, the design space is reduced stepwise. In the initial step, linear chord and parabolic twist distributions are sufficient for defining global propeller parameters like blade number and diameter. In contrast, detailed blade shape optimisation requires a parametric blade description. The findings are utilized to develop a novel optimisation scheme, reducing computational effort and enabling innovative air mobility solutions to be designed.
In this field study we present an approach for the comprehensive and room-specific assessment of
parameters with the overall aim to realize energy-efficient provision of hygienically harmless and
thermally comfortable indoor environmental quality in naturally ventilated non-residential
buildings. The approach is based on (i) conformity assessment of room design parameters, (ii)
empirical determination of theoretically expected occupant-specific supply air flow rates and
corresponding air exchange rates, (iii) experimental determination of real occupant-specific
supply air flow rates and corresponding air exchange rates, (iv) measurement of indoor environmental
exposure conditions of T, RH, cCO2 , cPM2.5 and cTVOC, and (v) determination of real
energy demands for the prevailing ventilation scheme. Underlying assessment criteria comprise
the indoor environmental parameters of category II of EN 16798-1: Temperature T = 20 ◦C–24 ◦C,
and relative humidity RH = 25 %–60 % as well as the guide values of the German Federal
Environment Agency for cCO2 cPM2.5 and cTVOC of 1000 ppm, 15 μg m⁻³, and 1 mg m ⁻³,
Investigation objects are six naturally ventilated classrooms of a German secondary school.
Major factors influencing indoor environmental quality in these classrooms are the specific room
volume per occupant and the window opening area. It is concluded that the rigorous implementation
of ventilation recommendations laid down by the German Federal Environment
Agency is ineffective with respect to anticipated indoor environmental parameters and inefficient
with respect to ventilation energy losses on the order of about 10 kWh m⁻² a ⁻¹ to 30 kWh m⁻²
a ⁻¹.
To successfully develop and introduce concrete artificial intelligence (AI) solutions in operational practice, a comprehensive process model is being tested in the WIRKsam joint project. It is based on a methodical approach that integrates human, technical and organisational aspects and involves employees in the process. The chapter focuses on the procedure for identifying requirements for a work system that is implementing AI in problem-driven projects and for selecting appropriate AI methods. This means that the use case has already been narrowed down at the beginning of the project and must be completely defined in the following. Initially, the existing preliminary work is presented. Based on this, an overview of all procedural steps and methods is given. All methods are presented in detail and good practice approaches are shown. Finally, a reflection of the developed procedure based on the application in nine companies is given.