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Numerička analiza armiranobe tonskih okvirnih zgrada sa izolovanom zidanom ispunom

Numerical analysis of reinforced concrete frame buildings with decoupled infill walls

  • Armiranobetonske (AB) zgrade sa zidanom ispunom se izvode u mnogim zemljama širom sveta. Iako se zidana ispuna posmatra kao nekonstruktivni element, ona značajno utiče na promenu dinamičkih karakteristika AB ramovskih konstrukcija u toku zemljotresnog dejstva. Odskora, značajan napor je utrošen na istraživanje izolovanih ispuna, koje su odvojene od okolnog rama obično ostavljanjem prostora između rama i ispune. U ovom slučaju deformacija rama ne aktivira ispunu i na taj način ispuna ne utiče na ponašanje rama. Ovaj rad predstavlja rezultate istraživanja ponašanja AB ramovskih zgrada sa INODIS sistemom koji izoluje ispunu u odnosu na okolni ram. Uticaj izolovane ispune je prvo ispitan na jednospratnim i jednobrodnim ramovima. Ovo je iskorišćeno kao osnova za parametarsku analizu na višespratnim i višebrodnim ramovima, kao i na primeru zgrade. Promena krutosti i dinamičkih karakteristika je analizirano kao i odgovor pri zemljotresnom dejstvu. Izvršeno je poređenje sa praznom ramovskom konstrukcijom kao i ramovima ispunjenim ispunom na tradicionalni način. Rezultati pokazuju da je ponašanje ramova sa izolovanom ispunom slično ponašanju praznih ramova, dok je ponašanje ramova sa tradicionalnom ispunom daleko drugačije i zahteva kompleksne numeričke modele. Ovo znači da ukoliko se primeni adekvatna konstruktivna mera izolacije ispune, proračun ramovskim zgrada sa zidanom ispunom se može značajno pojednostaviti.
  • Reinforced concrete (RC) buildings with masonry infill walls are widely used in many countries all over the world. Although infills are considered as non-structural elements, they significantly change dynamic characteristics of RC frame structures during earthquake excitation. Recently, significant effort was spent on studying decoupled infills, which are isolated from the surrounding frame usually by adding a gap between frame and infill. In this case, the frame deformation does not activate infill wall, thus infills are not influencing the behaviour of the frame. This paper presents the results of the investigation of the behaviour of RC frame buildings with the INODIS system that decouples masonry infills from the surrounding frame. Effect of masonry infill decoupling was investigated first on the one-bay onestorey frame. This was used as a base for parametric study on the frames with more bays and storeys, as well as on the building level. Change of stiffness and dynamic characteristics was analysed as well as response under earthquake loading. Comparison with the bare frame and traditionally infilled frame was performed. The results show that behaviour of the decoupled infilled frames is similar to the bare frame, whereas behaviour of frames with traditional infills is significantly different and demands complex numerical models. This means that if adequate decoupling is applied, design of

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Author:Marko Marinković, Santiago Flores Calvinisti, Christoph ButenwegORCiD
Parent Title (Multiple languages):Građevinski materijali i konstrukcije
Parent Title (English):Building Materials and Structures
Publisher:Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia
Place of publication:Belgrad
Document Type:Article
Language:Multiple languages
Year of Completion:2020
Tag:INODIS; in-plane behaviour; masonry infill; out-of-plane behaviour; seismic
First Page:13
Last Page:48
Text serbisch, ab 2011 serbisch und englisch
Link: https://scindeks.ceon.rs/Article.aspx?artid=2217-81392004013M
Institutes:FH Aachen / Fachbereich Energietechnik
open_access (DINI-Set):open_access
collections:Verlag / Society for Materials and Structures Testing of Serbia
Licence (German): Creative Commons - Namensnennung-Weitergabe unter gleichen Bedingungen