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Earthquake resistant design of structures according to Eurocode 8

  • The chapter initially provides a summary of the contents of Eurocode 8, its aim being to offer both to the students and to practising engineers an easy introduction into the calculation and dimensioning procedures of this earthquake code. Specifically, the general rules for earthquake-resistant structures, the definition of design response spectra taking behaviour and importance factors into account, the application of linear and non-linear calculation methods and the structural safety verifications at the serviceability and ultimate limit state are presented. The application of linear and non-linear calculation methods and corresponding seismic design rules is demonstrated on practical examples for reinforced concrete, steel and masonry buildings. Furthermore, the seismic assessment of existing buildings is discussed and illustrated on the example of a typical historical masonry building in Italy. The examples are worked out in detail and each step of the design process, from the preliminary analysis to the final design, is explained in detail.

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Verfasserangaben:Linda Giresini, Christoph ButenwegORCiD
ISBN:978-3-662-57550-5 (Online)
ISBN:978-3-662-57548-2 (Print)
Titel des übergeordneten Werkes (Englisch):Structural Dynamics with Applications in Earthquake and Wind Engineering
Dokumentart:Teil eines Buches (Kapitel)
Freies Schlagwort / Tag:Design examples; Eurocode 8; Pushover analysis; Response spectrum; Seismic design
Erste Seite:197
Letzte Seite:358
Link:Online lesen
Fachbereiche und Einrichtungen:FH Aachen / Fachbereich Energietechnik
collections:Verlag / Springer