- In environmental analysis, cyanide and heavy metals play an important role, because these substances are highly toxic for biological systems. They can lead to chronic and acute diseases. Due to the chemical properties of cyanide it is frequently used for industrial processes such as extraction of silver and gold. Heavy metals can be found as trace elements in nature and are often applied in industries e.g., galvanization processes. Up to now, cyanide and heavy metals can be detected by several sensors separately and their detection is often limited to laboratory investigations. In this publication, with regard to an in situ analysis, a new miniaturized silicon-based sensor system for the simultaneous detection of cyanide and heavy metals in aqueous solutions is presented that is based on chalcogenide glass-based micro ion-selective electrodes (µISEs). The µISEs are incorporated into a specially designed measuring system for the simultaneous detection of heavy metals and cyanide in solutions and validated by simultaneous measurements of Cu2+- and CN−-ions, Cd2+- and CN−- ions and Pb2+- and CN−-ions. The particular sensor system has shown good sensor properties in the µ-molar ion-concentration range. For simultaneous measurements in complex heavy metal and cyanide solutions an intelligent software using fuzzy logic is discussed.