Year of publication
- 2018 (262) (remove)
- Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik (68)
- Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (44)
- IfB - Institut für Bioengineering (41)
- INB - Institut für Nano- und Biotechnologien (25)
- Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (24)
- Fachbereich Maschinenbau und Mechatronik (24)
- Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie (22)
- Fachbereich Energietechnik (22)
- Fachbereich Wirtschaftswissenschaften (21)
- Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen (16)
Document Type
- Article (127)
- Conference Proceeding (78)
- Part of a Book (31)
- Book (12)
- Working Paper (3)
- Conference: Meeting Abstract (2)
- Doctoral Thesis (2)
- Patent (2)
- Part of a Periodical (2)
- Conference Poster (1)
- Datenschutz (2)
- Digitale Transformation (2)
- Energy efficiency (2)
- Engineering optimization (2)
- Literaturanalyse (2)
- MINLP (2)
- Pump System (2)
- Serious Game (2)
- Water (2)
- Actors (1)
Against the background of growing data in everyday life, data processing tools become more powerful to deal with the increasing complexity in building design. The architectural planning process is offered a variety of new instruments to design, plan and communicate planning decisions. Ideally the access to information serves to secure and document the quality of the building and in the worst case, the increased data absorbs time by collection and processing without any benefit for the building and its user. Process models can illustrate the impact of information on the design- and planning process so that architect and planner can steer the process. This paper provides historic and contemporary models to visualize the architectural planning process and introduces means to describe today’s situation consisting of stakeholders, events and instruments. It explains conceptions during Renaissance in contrast to models used in the second half of the 20th century. Contemporary models are discussed regarding their value against the background of increasing computation in the building process.
Explorer CEOs: The effect of CEO career variety on large firms’ relative exploration orientation
Prior studies demonstrate that firms need to make smart trade-off decisions between exploration and exploitation activities in order to increase performance. Chief executive officers (CEOs) are principal decision makers of a firm’s strategic posture. In this study, we theorize and empirically examine how relative exploration orientation of large publicly listed firms varies based on the career variety of their CEOs – that is, how diverse the professional experiences of executives were prior to them becoming CEOs. We further argue that the heterogeneity and structure of the top management team moderates the impact of CEO career variety on firms’ relative exploration orientation. Based on multisource secondary data for 318 S&P 500 firms from 2005 to 2015, we find that CEO career variety is positively associated with relative exploration orientation.
Interestingly, CEOs with high career varieties appear to be less effective in pursuing exploration, when they work with highly heterogeneous and structurally interdependent top management teams.
The inverse scattering problem for a conductive boundary condition and transmission eigenvalues
In this paper, we consider the inverse scattering problem associated with an inhomogeneous media with a conductive boundary. In particular, we are interested in two problems that arise from this inverse problem: the inverse conductivity problem and the corresponding interior transmission eigenvalue problem. The inverse conductivity problem is to recover the conductive boundary parameter from the measured scattering data. We prove that the measured scatted data uniquely determine the conductivity parameter as well as describe a direct algorithm to recover the conductivity. The interior transmission eigenvalue problem is an eigenvalue problem associated with the inverse scattering of such materials. We investigate the convergence of the eigenvalues as the conductivity parameter tends to zero as well as prove existence and discreteness for the case of an absorbing media. Lastly, several numerical and analytical results support the theory and we show that the inside–outside duality method can be used to reconstruct the interior conductive eigenvalues.
Das strikt anaerobe Bakterium Clostridium acetobutylicum bildet die Lösemittel Aceton, Butanol und Ethanol (ABE-Fermentation). Im Fall einer Eisenlimitierung kommt es zusätzlich zu einer Riboflavinsekretion (RF), was durch die gelbe Färbung des Kulturüberstands erkennbar ist. In dieser Arbeit wurde beobachtet, dass während Elektrofermentationen mit C. acetobutylicum bei –600 mV eine gelbe Färbung auftritt. Es wurde deshalb untersucht, ob eine Eisenlimitierung im bio-elektrochemischen System (BES) vorliegt. Hierzu wurden die Flavinspezien bei Kultivierungen in Medien mit einer Eisenlimitierung bzw. mit ausreichend Eisen in Serumflaschen sowie im BES mit und ohne angelegtem Potenzial verglichen. In den Serumflaschenversuchen wurden RF und Flavinadenindinukleotid (FAD)-Konzentrationen von ‡ 20 mg L⁻¹ sowie Flavinmononukleotid (FMN)-Konzentrationen von ca. 5 mg L⁻¹ detektiert. Bei ausreichender Eisenverfügbarkeit hingegen wurden in den Serumflaschen fast keine Flavine sekretiert. Im BES bei –600 mV hingegen wurde auch in diesen Kulturüberständen FMN und FAD (1–5 mg L⁻¹ ),jedoch kein RF gemessen. Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Flavinbildung im BES mit angelegtem Potenzial nicht mit der Flavinbildung unter Eisenlimitierung in Serumflaschen korreliert. Andere Faktoren für eine mögliche Flavinbildung werden aktuell näher betrachtet.
Aufgrund von EU-Regularien und Umweltinitiativen wächst der Markt für nachhaltige und abbaubare Klebstoffe stetig. Organosolv (OS)-Lignin ist ein kommerziell wenig ertragreicher Nebenstrom der Lignocellulose-Bioraffinerie. Durch das "Nachahmen" der Adhäsionseigenschaften mit strukturverwandten Muschel-Aminosäuren soll OS-Lignin in einen starkes, vollständig biobasiertes Adhäsiv umgewandelt werden. Funktionsweisend für die Adhäsion des Muschelklebstoffes ist die Catecholgruppe der Aminosäure L-DOPA. Die laccase-katalysierte Polymerisationsreaktion von Lignin und L-DOPA ist schwierig zu kontrollieren, da L-DOPA eine Ringschlussreaktion eingeht. Stattdessen wurde eine zweistufige Reaktion mit einem Diamin als Ankermolekül etabliert. Die Catecholgruppe, die im zweiten Schritt enzymatisch an das Lignin-Amin gebunden wird, kann durch Komplexbildung mit Fe(III)-Ionen sowohl zur Adhäsion als auch zur Kohäsion des Klebstoffes beitragen. Der Lignin-Catechol-Klebstoff ist frei von petrochemischen Chemikalien und biologisch abbaubar. In ersten Stirnzugversuchen konnte eine Haftkraft von 0,3 MPa erreicht werden.
In most beers, producers strive to minimize haze to maximize visual appeal. To detect the formation of particulates, a measurement system for sub-micron particles is required. Beer haze is naturally occurring, composed of protein or polyphenol particles; in their early stage of growth their size is smaller than 2 µm. Microscopy analysis is time and resource intensive; alternatively, backscattering is an inexpensive option for detecting particle sizes of interest.
Analyzing thermodynamic non-equilibrium processes, like the laminar and turbulent fluid flow, the dissipation is a key parameter with a characteristic minimum condition. That is applied to characterize laminar and turbulent behaviour of the Couette flow, including its transition in both directions. The Couette flow is chosen as the only flow form with constant shear stress over the flow profile, being laminar, turbulent or both. The local dissipation defines quantitative and stable criteria for the transition and the existence of turbulence. There are basic results: The Navier Stokes equations cannot describe the experimental flow profiles of the turbulent Couette flow. But they are used to quantify the dissipation of turbulent fluctuation. The dissipation minimum requires turbulent structures reaching maximum macroscopic dimensions, describing turbulence as a “non-local” phenomenon. At the transition the Couette flow profiles and the shear stress change by a factor ≅ 5 due to a change of the “apparent” turbulent viscosity by a calculated factor ≅ 27. The resulting difference of the laminar and the turbulent profiles results in two different Reynolds numbers and different loci of transition, which are identified by calculation.
During rapid deceleration of the body, tendons buffer part of the elongation of the muscle-tendon unit (MTU), enabling safe energy dissipation via eccentric muscle contraction. Yet, the influence of changes in tendon stiffness within the physiological range upon these lengthening contractions is unknown. This study aimed to examine the effect of training-induced stiffening of the Achilles tendon on triceps surae muscle-tendon behavior during a landing task. Twenty-one male subjects were assigned to either a 10-week resistance-training program consisting of single-leg isometric plantarflexion (n = 11) or to a non-training control group (n = 10). Before and after the training period, plantarflexion force, peak Achilles tendon strain and stiffness were measured during isometric contractions, using a combination of dynamometry, ultrasound and kinematics data. Additionally, testing included a step-landing task, during which joint mechanics and lengths of gastrocnemius and soleus fascicles, Achilles tendon, and MTU were determined using synchronized ultrasound, kinematics and kinetics data collection. After training, plantarflexion strength and Achilles tendon stiffness increased (15 and 18%, respectively), and tendon strain during landing remained similar. Likewise, lengthening and negative work produced by the gastrocnemius MTU did not change detectably. However, in the training group, gastrocnemius fascicle length was offset (8%) to a longer length at touch down and, surprisingly, fascicle lengthening and velocity were reduced by 27 and 21%, respectively. These changes were not observed for soleus fascicles when accounting for variation in task execution between tests. These results indicate that a training-induced increase in tendon stiffness does not noticeably affect the buffering action of the tendon when the MTU is rapidly stretched. Reductions in gastrocnemius fascicle lengthening and lengthening velocity during landing occurred independently from tendon strain. Future studies are required to provide insight into the mechanisms underpinning these observations and their influence on energy dissipation.
Comparison of different training algorithms for the leg extension training with an industrial robot
In the past, different training scenarios have been developed and implemented on robotic research platforms, but no systematic analysis and comparison have been done so far. This paper deals with the comparison of an isokinematic (motion with constant velocity) and an isotonic (motion against constant weight) training algorithm. Both algorithms are designed for a robotic research platform consisting of a 3D force plate and a high payload industrial robot, which allows leg extension training with arbitrary six-dimensional motion trajectories. In the isokinematic as well as the isotonic training algorithm, individual paths are defined i n C artesian s pace by sufficient s upport p oses. I n t he i sotonic t raining s cenario, the trajectory is adapted to the measured force as the robot should only move along the trajectory as long as the force applied by the user exceeds a minimum threshold. In the isotonic training scenario however, the robot’s acceleration is a function of the force applied by the user. To validate these findings, a simulative experiment with a simple linear trajectory is performed. For this purpose, the same force path is applied in both training scenarios. The results illustrate that the algorithms differ in the force dependent trajectory adaption.
Magnetic detection structure for Lab-on-Chip applications based on the frequency mixing technique
A magnetic frequency mixing technique with a set of miniaturized planar coils was investigated for use with a completely integrated Lab-on-Chip (LoC) pathogen sensing system. The system allows the detection and quantification of superparamagnetic beads. Additionally, in terms of magnetic nanoparticle characterization ability, the system can be used for immunoassays using the beads as markers. Analytical calculations and simulations for both excitation and pick-up coils are presented; the goal was to investigate the miniaturization of simple and cost-effective planar spiral coils. Following these calculations, a Printed Circuit Board (PCB) prototype was designed, manufactured, and tested for limit of detection, linear response, and validation of theoretical concepts. Using the magnetic frequency mixing technique, a limit of detection of 15 µg/mL of 20 nm core-sized nanoparticles was achieved without any shielding.
Im Rahmen des europäischen Verbundprojekts INSYSME wurden von den deutschen Partnern die Systeme IMES und INODIS zur Verbesserung des seismischen Verhaltens von ausgefachten Stahlbetonrahmen entwickelt. Ziel beider Systeme ist es, Stahlbetonrahmen und Ausfachung zu entkoppeln, anstatt die Tragfähigkeit durch aufwendige und kostspielige zusätzliche Bewehrungseinlagen zu erhöhen. Erste Ergebnisse des Systems IMES für Belastungen in und senkrecht zu der Wandebene werden vorgestellt.
Im Rahmen des europäischen Verbundprojekts INSYSME wurden von den deutschen Partnern die Systeme IMES und INODIS zur Verbesserung des seismischen Verhaltens von ausgefachten Stahlbetonrahmen entwickelt. Ziel beider Systeme ist es, Stahlbetonrahmen und Ausfachung zu entkoppeln, anstatt die Tragfähigkeit durch aufwendige und kostspielige zusätzliche Bewehrungseinlagen zu erhöhen. Erste Ergebnisse des Systems IMES für Belastungen in und senkrecht zu der Wandebene werden vorgestellt.
The paper deals with the asymptotic behaviour of estimators, statistical tests and confidence intervals for L²-distances to uniformity based on the empirical distribution function, the integrated empirical distribution function and the integrated empirical survival function. Approximations of power functions, confidence intervals for the L²-distances and statistical neighbourhood-of-uniformity validation tests are obtained as main applications. The finite sample behaviour of the procedures is illustrated by a simulation study.
A nonparametric goodness-of-fit test for random variables with values in a separable Hilbert space is investigated. To verify the null hypothesis that the data come from a specific distribution, an integral type test based on a Cramér-von-Mises statistic is suggested. The convergence in distribution of the test statistic under the null hypothesis is proved and the test's consistency is concluded. Moreover, properties under local alternatives are discussed. Applications are given for data of huge but finite dimension and for functional data in infinite dimensional spaces. A general approach enables the treatment of incomplete data. In simulation studies the test competes with alternative proposals.
The efficiency concepts of Bahadur and Pitman are used to compare the Wilcoxon tests in paired and independent survey samples. A comparison through the length of corresponding confidence intervals is also done. Simple conditions characterizing the dominance of a procedure are derived. Statistical tests for checking these conditions are suggested and discussed.
Because of customer churn, strong competition, and operational inefficiencies, the telecommunications operator ME Telco (fictitious name due to confidentiality) launched a strategic transformation program that included a Business Process Management (BPM) project. Major problems were silo-oriented process management and missing cross-functional transparency. Process improvements were not consistently planned and aligned with corporate targets. Measurable inefficiencies were observed on an operational level, e.g., high lead times and reassignment rates of the incident management process.
Prozessorientierte Messung der Customer Experience am Beispiel der Telekommunikationsindustrie
Hohe Wettbewerbsintensität und gestiegene Kundenanforderungen erfordern bei Telekommunikationsunternehmen eine aktive Gestaltung der Customer Experience (CX). Ein wichtiger Aspekt dabei ist die CX-Messung. Traditionelle Zufriedenheitsmessungen sind oft nicht ausreichend, um die Kundenerfahrung in komplexen Prozessen vollständig zu erfassen. Daher wird in diesem Kapitel eine prozessübergreifende Referenzlösung zur CX-Messung am Beispiel der Telekommunikationsindustrie vorgeschlagen. Ausgangspunkt ist ein industriespezifisches Prozessmodell, das sich an dem Referenzmodell eTOM orientiert. Dieses wird um Messpunkte erweitert, die Schwachstellen in Bezug auf die CX identifizieren. Für die erkannten Schwachstellen werden über eine Referenzmatrix mögliche Auslöser abgeleitet und anhand von typischen Geschäftsfallmengen bewertet. Somit ist eine direkte Zuordnung und Erfolgsmessung konkreter Maßnahmen zur Behebung der Schwachstellen möglich. Die so entwickelte Referenzlösung wurde im Projekt K1 bei der Deutschen Telekom erfolgreich umgesetzt. Details zur Umsetzung werden als Fallstudien dargestellt.