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Kawasaki Heavy Industries, LTD. (KHI) has research and development projects for a future hydrogen society. These projects comprise the complete hydrogen cycle, including the production of hydrogen gas, the refinement and liquefaction for transportation and storage, and finally the utilization in a gas turbine for electricity and heat supply. Within the development of the hydrogen gas turbine, the key technology is stable and low NOx hydrogen combustion, namely the Dry Low NOx (DLN) hydrogen combustion.
KHI, Aachen University of Applied Science, and B&B-AGEMA have investigated the possibility of low NOx micro-mix hydrogen combustion and its application to an industrial gas turbine combustor. From 2014 to 2018, KHI developed a DLN hydrogen combustor for a 2MW class industrial gas turbine with the micro-mix technology. Thereby, the ignition performance, the flame stability for equivalent rotational speed, and higher load conditions were investigated. NOx emission values were kept about half of the Air Pollution Control Law in Japan: 84ppm (O2-15%). Hereby, the elementary combustor development was completed.
From May 2020, KHI started the engine demonstration operation by using an M1A-17 gas turbine with a co-generation system located in the hydrogen-fueled power generation plant in Kobe City, Japan. During the first engine demonstration tests, adjustments of engine starting and load control with fuel staging were investigated. On 21st May, the electrical power output reached 1,635 kW, which corresponds to 100% load (ambient temperature 20 °C), and thereby NOx emissions of 65 ppm (O2-15, 60 RH%) were verified. Here, for the first time, a DLN hydrogen-fueled gas turbine successfully generated power and heat.
Kawasaki Heavy Industries, Ltd. (KHI), Aachen University of Applied Sciences, and B&B-AGEMA GmbH have investigated the potential of low NOx micro-mix (MMX) hydrogen combustion and its application to an industrial gas turbine combustor. Engine demonstration tests of a MMX combustor for the M1A-17 gas turbine with a co-generation system were conducted in the hydrogen-fueled power generation plant in Kobe City, Japan.
This paper presents the results of the commissioning test and the combined heat and power (CHP) supply demonstration. In the commissioning test, grid interconnection, loading tests and load cut-off tests were successfully conducted. All measurement results satisfied the Japanese environmental regulation values. Dust and soot as well as SOx were not detected. The NOx emissions were below 84 ppmv at 15 % O2. The noise level at the site boundary was below 60 dB. The vibration at the site boundary was below 45 dB.
During the combined heat and power supply demonstration, heat and power were supplied to neighboring public facilities with the MMX combustion technology and 100 % hydrogen fuel. The electric power output reached 1800 kW at which the NOx emissions were 72 ppmv at 15 % O2, and 60 %RH. Combustion instabilities were not observed. The gas turbine efficiency was improved by about 1 % compared to a non-premixed type combustor with water injection as NOx reduction method. During a total equivalent operation time of 1040 hours, all combustor parts, the M1A-17 gas turbine as such, and the co-generation system were without any issues.