Year of publication
- Nowum-Energy (74)
- Fachbereich Energietechnik (62)
- Fachbereich Chemie und Biotechnologie (11)
- Fachbereich Medizintechnik und Technomathematik (7)
- Fachbereich Bauingenieurwesen (5)
- INB - Institut für Nano- und Biotechnologien (5)
- ECSM European Center for Sustainable Mobility (2)
- Fachbereich Luft- und Raumfahrttechnik (2)
- Fachbereich Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik (1)
- Institut fuer Angewandte Polymerchemie (1)
Document Type
- Article (37)
- Conference Proceeding (22)
- Part of a Book (8)
- Book (3)
- Doctoral Thesis (3)
- Conference Poster (1)
- Agent-based simulation (1)
- Algal Turf Scrubber (1)
- Algal–bacterial bioflm (1)
- Anammox (1)
- Biogas (1)
- Circular bioeconomy (1)
- DAC (1)
- Energy market design (1)
- Future skills (1)
- Germany (1)
Stand 01.01.2022 sind in Deutschland 618.460 elektrisch angetriebene KFZ zugelassen. Insgesamt sind derzeit 48.540.878 KFZ zugelassen, was einer Elektromobilitätsquote von ca. 1,2 % entspricht. Derzeit werden Elektromobile über Ladestationen oder Steckdosen mit dem Stromnetz verbunden und üblicherweise mit der vollen Ladekapazität des Anschlusses aufgeladen, bis das Batteriemanagementsystem des Fahrzeugs abhängig vom Ladezustand der Batterie die Ladeleistung reduziert.
This study analyses the expected utilization of an urban distribution grid under high penetration of photovoltaic and e-mobility with charging infrastructure on a residential level. The grid utilization and the corresponding power flow are evaluated, while varying the control strategies and photovoltaic installed capacity in different scenarios. Four scenarios are used to analyze the impact of e-mobility. The individual mobility demand is modelled based on the largest German studies on mobility “Mobilität in Deutschland”, which is carried out every 5 years. To estimate the ramp-up of photovoltaic generation, a potential analysis of the roof surfaces in the supply area is carried out via an evaluation of an open solar potential study. The photovoltaic feed-in time series is derived individually for each installed system in a resolution of 15 min. The residential consumption is estimated using historical smart meter data, which are collected in London between 2012 and 2014. For a realistic charging demand, each residential household decides daily on the state of charge if their vehicle requires to be charged. The resulting charging time series depends on the underlying behavior scenario. Market prices and mobility demand are therefore used as scenario input parameters for a utility function based on the current state of charge to model individual behavior. The aggregated electricity demand is the starting point of the power flow calculation. The evaluation is carried out for an urban region with approximately 3100 residents. The analysis shows that increased penetration of photovoltaics combined with a flexible and adaptive charging strategy can maximize PV usage and reduce the need for congestion-related intervention by the grid operator by reducing the amount of kWh charged from the grid by 30% which reduces the average price of a charged kWh by 35% to 14 ct/kWh from 21.8 ct/kWh without PV optimization. The resulting grid congestions are managed by implementing an intelligent price or control signal. The analysis took place using data from a real German grid with 10 subgrids. The entire software can be adapted for the analysis of different distribution grids and is publicly available as an open-source software library on GitHub.
This study investigated the anaerobic digestion of an algal–bacterial biofilm grown in artificial wastewater in an Algal Turf Scrubber (ATS). The ATS system was located in a greenhouse (50°54′19ʺN, 6°24′55ʺE, Germany) and was exposed to seasonal conditions during the experiment period. The methane (CH4) potential of untreated algal–bacterial biofilm (UAB) and thermally pretreated biofilm (PAB) using different microbial inocula was determined by anaerobic batch fermentation. Methane productivity of UAB differed significantly between microbial inocula of digested wastepaper, a mixture of manure and maize silage, anaerobic sewage sludge, and percolated green waste. UAB using sewage sludge as inoculum showed the highest methane productivity. The share of methane in biogas was dependent on inoculum. Using PAB, a strong positive impact on methane productivity was identified for the digested wastepaper (116.4%) and a mixture of manure and maize silage (107.4%) inocula. By contrast, the methane yield was significantly reduced for the digested anaerobic sewage sludge (50.6%) and percolated green waste (43.5%) inocula. To further evaluate the potential of algal–bacterial biofilm for biogas production in wastewater treatment and biogas plants in a circular bioeconomy, scale-up calculations were conducted. It was found that a 0.116 km2 ATS would be required in an average municipal wastewater treatment plant which can be viewed as problematic in terms of space consumption. However, a substantial amount of energy surplus (4.7–12.5 MWh a−1) can be gained through the addition of algal–bacterial biomass to the anaerobic digester of a municipal wastewater treatment plant. Wastewater treatment and subsequent energy production through algae show dominancy over conventional technologies.
The planned coal phase-out in Germany by 2038 will lead to the dismantling of power plants with a total capacity of approx. 30 GW. A possible further use of these assets is the conversion of the power plants to thermal storage power plants; the use of these power plants on the day-ahead market is considerably limited by their technical parameters. In this paper, the influence of the technical boundary conditions on the operating times of these storage facilities is presented. For this purpose, the storage power plants were described as an MILP problem and two price curves, one from 2015 with a relatively low renewable penetration (33 %) and one from 2020 with a high renewable energy penetration (51 %) are compared. The operating times were examined as a function of the technical parameters and the critical influencing factors were investigated. The thermal storage power plant operation duration and the energy shifted with the price curve of 2020
increases by more than 25 % compared to 2015.
Die Studie erörtert anhand eines Fallbeispiels aus der Mathematik für Ingenieur*innen, wie didaktische Gestaltungsprinzipien für Soziale Präsenz, Kollaboration und das Lösen von praxisnahen Problemen mit mathematischem Denken in einer Online-Umgebung aussehen können. Hierfür zieht der
Beitrag den forschungsmethodologischen Rahmen Design-Based Research (DBR) hinzu und berichtet über Zwischenergebnisse. DBR wird an dieser Stelle als eine systematische Herangehensweise an kurzfristige Lehrveränderungen und als Chance auf dem Weg zu einer neuen Hochschullehre nach der COVID-19-Pandemie dargestellt, die theoretische und empirische Erkenntnisse mit Praxisverknüpfung und -relevanz vereint.
Anyone who has always wanted to understand the hieroglyphs on Sheldon's blackboard in the TV series The Big Bang Theory or who wanted to know exactly what the fate of Schrödinger's cat is all about will find a short, descriptive introduction to the world of quantum mechanics in this essential. The text particularly focuses on the mathematical description in the Hilbert space. The content goes beyond popular scientific presentations, but is nevertheless suitable for readers without special prior knowledge thanks to the clear examples.
„Smartes“ Laden an öffentlich zugänglichen Ladesäulen – Teil 2: USER-Verhalten und -Erwartungen
The fundamental modeling of energy systems through individual unit commitment decisions is crucial for energy system planning. However, current large-scale models are not capable of including uncertainties or even risk-averse behavior arising from forecasting errors of variable renewable energies. However, risks associated with uncertain forecasting errors have become increasingly relevant within the process of decarbonization. The intraday market serves to compensate for these forecasting errors. Thus, the uncertainty of forecasting errors results in uncertain intraday prices and quantities. Therefore, this paper proposes a two-stage risk-constrained stochastic optimization approach to fundamentally model unit commitment decisions facing an uncertain intraday market. By the nesting of Lagrangian relaxation and an extended Benders decomposition, this model can be applied to large-scale, e.g., pan-European, power systems. The approach is applied to scenarios for 2023—considering a full nuclear phase-out in Germany—and 2035—considering a full coal phase-out in Germany. First, the influence of the risk factors is evaluated. Furthermore, an evaluation of the market prices shows an increase in price levels as well as an increasing day-ahead-intraday spread in 2023 and in 2035. Finally, it is shown that intraday cross-border trading has a significant influence on trading volumes and prices and ensures a more efficient allocation of resources.